What do you think about when you hear a balloon being inflated in public?

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What do you think about when you hear a balloon being inflated in public?

When I am at, say, a party supply store or some place where they blow up a lot of balloons, and I hear the distinct sound of a large balloon being inflated on a helium tank, there are specific images or thoughts that come to mind, having to do with this fetish.

Often, I think of the youtube video of "The Bliss of Mrs. Blossom", when that loud hiss starts when the girls' inflatable bras begin to fill (before they overinflate and the girls begin to float!).

But other images or certain parts of inflation stories will pop into my head (pun intended) when I hear that HIIIIISSSSSSSS sound.

Anyone want to share what are the things that come to mind that the sound of balloons inflating reminds you of?

Ellinsia's picture

Generally, i try to get away as fast as possible before my fetish goes into overdrive :/


That's usually my approach Ellinsia especially if women are blowing them up by mouth

Ellinsia's picture

Personally, i find that the gender doesn't matter, its the sound that triggers me


The sound is definitely a big factor and it doesn't take much to get the mind racing, just for some reason I could, hide it/stick it out, unless a woman is doing it lol

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Sound is definitely a big trigger for me. I don't like the rubbing sound but that traditional inflation sound just brings up too many feels.

On that note, I work in Television and one of the most important things I've learned is that sound is more powerful than visuals as it invokes stronger feelings and reactions. You can have a beautiful movie but if the audio is terrible it'll detract from the experience completely and make it unbearable to watch. Vice Versa, however, there is much much more lee-way if the video is terrible and the audio is terrific. 

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

airtankgirl5's picture

I check my waistline.



Same XD


I watch from a distance thinking to myself "why couldn't that be me?"


I worked in a floral department where I would blow up the balloons for my store all the time. Honestly its one of those things were if you put yourself in that situation to think about the stories when trigger words or sounds come around, then your gonna be putting yourself in that situation. 

Great example, again, I use to blow up Balloons, A LOT! And every once in a while I would watch our big round ball balloons swell up, and at times I would imagine it being a lucky girls Breasts, Belly, and her Body inflating. And I was in a small room in the back doing all this, and the fantasies of what I would do with her in that closet would cause me somewhat problems, hehe~ :P 

But again I got use to having to be busy, working hard, making sure the balloons didnt 'POP' or deflate, I was in work mode. But when you set your mind into 'trigger' mode, Thats when fantasies drift in your mind when you hear a helium tank 'Hssss'. The hollow sound of a latex balloon being filled with pressured gas. The sound and feeling of the latex stretching Bigger....and Bigger. The creaks, the groans, the pressure~ 

And when some of you read this your gonna be in a trigger mode ;) haha! 

To me its all about how you can let yourself be triggered, and how you can be in control over a busy state.




A wave of pleasure runs up my spine as my entire body begins to tremble and my face turns scarlet. Can't get away quick enough, it's too embarrassing for something to happen in public... that and the fear that I'll suddenly blow up in front of hundreds of people. Always get a weird feeling in my belly and I get really nervous.

Ratbiker's picture

To be honest. Nothing at all happens for me. :/



For the most part nothing happens, but every so often if the right person is doing the blowing my mind might wander to slightly "pervy" territory.


Not a lot, actually XD nornal, vanilla balloon sounds do not compare to body inflation sounds to me. 

bodyinflationboy's picture

It's weird, I've never really had a thing for balloons. Though when put under a shirt and inflated, that changes