Getting Girls to Look at Inflation Stuff

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Getting Girls to Look at Inflation Stuff

So I personally find it attractive to witness a girl stumbling across inflation-related content and seeing her reaction to it. Anybody ever "accidentally" leave something up on their screen or drop an inflation story on paper near a girl at the library or something? Not that I have... I've only done it to my gf once and she only laughed and clicked out of it. 

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Frightened of the consequences of being called a creep.


Yes that is an issue unfortunately :/

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GiftedShana's picture

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll actually...

One day I invited my friend over, and at one point I had to go to my room to get something. Next thing I know I hear from down the hall "Hey! I need to look something up, borrowing your computer." Being the smart girl I am, I have my computer set to not save my history, so I had no worries. That was until I returned to the living room and she asked me about a image I had saved to my desktop. The image was the full version of my avatar. While my heart flatlined for a second, I was swift in saying it was an image I used in a forum to represent how it feels when you put on a top that's too small.

She got a laugh out of it and said that she wished that she could do that to shirts. Specifically, burst them with the sheer size of her breasts. Despite the butterflies in my stomach at the time, I couldn't help but giggle a bit at her remark.

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.



Awesome :) Good cover by the way ;) haha

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rosette.emyx's picture

I'm a girl but I assume you're interested in reactions from girls who don't already like inflation.


Lol well yes I apologize .. I should've been more clear x3 But I still find it awesome whenever a girl is into it :)

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I've never shown or told anybody about BE/inflation. I would like to eventually, even at the risk of being called a creep like bubble said. I think it would be interesting to see what the girls reaction to it would be. I'm sure trying to explain the fetish to someone would be hard because it doesn't really fall under the same category as other ones seen as more "mainstream" foot,bdsm,roleplay,"

Anyway, As of right now I have a wallpaper on my phone of a detailed cartoon drawing of two girls eating fast food and "bursting" out of their clothes. It's kind of hidden by some apps but if you look closely you can see what it is. It's probably stupid to put on my phone since one day i'll probably forget it's there and lend my phone to someone.

rosette.emyx's picture

I also haven't told anyone in real life about my inflation fetish. But I think anyone who doesn't share the fetish would probably react the same way. 

I've never put anything inflation related on my phone but I have had some pictures as a wallpaper before. However, I removed it whenever I was in a public place. I've also had an inflation related password on my computer before that I removed when I sent it to a repair shop. They said I could just write what the password was but I didn't want to explain myself so I just changed the password. 


Taking my PC to the repair shop is one of my biggest fears haha. I have a bunch of inflation and BE videos from different places saved on my computer. I should probably transfer everything to my external harddrive just to be on the safe side.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

It's pretty much the same as showing guys that stuff, except guys have more of a tendency to over-react or are more prone to fetishes. It's kinda like how women would react, but with an increased reaction, either for, against, or neutral.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

Blue_Eyes's picture

What makes you think men are more prone to have fetishes?

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.


Taking a long shot here, Men are more sexually preoccupied in general or at the time sexual fetishes develop?

Blue_Eyes's picture

Popular perception among Psychologists is that fetishes develop while still in childhood, before we become fully sexual aware. Nothing is written in stone when it comes to fetishes, it would be more like written in sand.

Through personal experience I have yet to meet another women personally, who did not have a fetish in one way or another.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.


Good point, I didn't think of that. I see what you ment by that question. Men and women should be equally prone to fetishes since it seems like everyone has one. I wonder what causes the expansion one to take hold instead of some of the other more popular ones out there.


Well statistically, men make up most documented people with paraphillia or fetishism. Source: did my thesis on paraphillia/fetishism. There's lots of interesting studies in databases (pr)

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

I (believe I) looked at similar studies, but I forgot to mention this above (I have in others where I stated that, but forgot to on this one.)

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


The problem with statistics is that it counts only those who wants to respond. ^_^

A decade ago the amount of ladies in inflationary community was probably 1 to 10, if not less. Now it's close to 1 to 1. It might be connected with how ladies are generally more careful.

Same with asking strangers about their fetish. What are the chances of a more careful personality to just open up like that?


I don't think the ratio is quite that even. Honestly, even 10 to 1 sounds a little unrealistic to me, unless you count the men who have feminine online roleplaying personas.

airtankgirl5's picture

I agree.  I think 10 to 1 is overly optimistic.  1 to 1 sounds absurd to me.

The truth is that no one has any good statistics to put behind the male to female ratio here.


It seems two people whom I respect are standing for statistics being right ^_^

Still, I've read somewhere that 99 % of both men and women have some fetish, and the 1 % is just too shy to admit it in a questionnaire.

I'm curious about those interesting studies. What did you find?

LutherVKane's picture

Judging from the numbers I've seen over the years, 10 to 1 is pessimistic and 1 to 1 is borderline delusional. The main issue is that the numbers are entirely self-report. The phenomenon of men posing as women is quite real, and its prevalance isn't possible to determine to any reliable degree.

A couple of years ago I analyzed the data on the site's users. Based on the profiles on the site, the ratio was about 5 to 1 over 1800 profiles. The funny thing is, that's the same number I got from a poll on the old site that got over 3000 responses. It's still self-report, but I'm not convinced that a lot of men posing as women will still present themselves as such to an anonyous poll.

I have a theory that you can get closer to the real number by looking at the lurkers, people who visit the site but never post or message with anyone. They make up the majority of users of any gender. Among them, the male/female ratio was about 6 to 1 over about 1300 profiles. I think that's the best data I have on the matter.



Besides girlfriends, a few of my female friends are aware of my inflation fetish… In two cases it was unintentional.

In case one, it was through a drunken evening. I mentioned it offhand in relation to us watching Loretta's infamous scene from Leprechaun 3 (I didn't put it on shockingly) and my friends response was to blankly stare down her body and go "How am I doing?" before both of us went off laughing.


Another instance was when I was chatting to a friend via Facebook IM on my phone, searching for an art reference picture (We were talking about impressionism if your curious? Specifically Walter Sickert) and I unwittingly sent a breast expansion preview pic from Taylormadeclips. Her response was to send back a rather, ahem, 'tenderly' drawn furry couple from her phone's gallery.