TayvaRP Premium

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TayvaRP Premium

Hello to all. I'm here to share some info about an aquaintence, TayvaRP. You may know her from her inflation videos on Youtube. Link

To fund her inflation projects (suits and other resources) she monotized her vids. However, after posting some vids Youtube proclaimed explicit, they took away her add revenue. So now to fund her projects, she is offering special premium inflation vids. What sets these apart from the rest? Well obvioulsy there's content you can't get on Youtube, such as bondage and a good amount of moaning (you know you enjoy it). There's only about 2 right now, but if you're interested in making a purchase. Please contact her on her DA page. Link

If this goes well. We can expect more excellent vids on her channel, and perhaps even better premium content in the future. It's up to you!

TayvaRP's picture

Thank you very much for your continued support, and the continued support of all of those following me on my channel and on my deviantArt page. I am grateful to have people who will continue to watch my activity, even after having disappeared for a year. I will be making an effort to get more content up and going as time becomes available.