How have I never seen this before?!

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How have I never seen this before?!

Jennifer Lawrence

Have I just been missing it this whole time?  There isn't enough of her out terms of number of inflation pictures...or her size...err...yeah.

Bbwhite wanted to be a balloon,

Filled up like one, and popped like one too.

CreakGaspBang's picture

I've certainly never seen it before. But I can't help wondering where she found the inspiration for that costume. A fat witch seems like a bit of a strange thing to dress up as on haloween. Perhaps she had a more....personal desire to wear a fat suit for a night and she does always bang on the amount of food she eats. 

Who knows, perhaps JLaw shares our interests.....

inflatingclothes's picture

I wonder if she has inflated any clothes she wore in the hunger games, like that blue dress?

Do you think that she would make a cute violet Beauregard?

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CreakGaspBang, I was (wishful) thinking the same thing about her having a more personal reason for the costume.  I suppose if that were the case, something more would have come out of the leaked pictures of her, but maybe not.  At this point, I'll just happily assume she shares our interests.


Yes, inflatingclothes, I do think she would make a cute Violet.  I think she would make a cute anything.  I Googled Jennifer Lawrence blue dress, and there are a few that I would love to see her go Violet in, or even just do clothes inflation like you said.

Bbwhite wanted to be a balloon,

Filled up like one, and popped like one too.