First inflation soon

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First inflation soon

I've recently decided that I'm going to go ahead with my first ever proper belly inflation but there are a few things I'd like to ask in preparation before I blow myself up.

First, I've decided that I'd prefer to go with a water inflation but I'm not sure if I should perform an inflation enema with the shower hose or just stick it in my mouth and swallow rapidly. I've tried the latter before obviously, I think every inflationist has, though I'm a little concerned about anal water inflation and I'm not sure if it's the best method to go for at first. This brings me to the second thing.

I have also thought over inflating myself anally using a pump. Already I've read forums and even talked to other users about this and I have no doubts that it's a good method, but I have a few problems. Inflating using a pump would be hard for me due to privacy issues and the pump is not technically mine, I do not live alone. I have thought about buying my own pump but that may raise suspicions. Inflating via the shower is easier for me. Also, I'm still trying to decide whether or not air inflation would be better. I'm a lot more attracted to water due to the added weight it provides (I've had minor experience with mini anal enemas, using bottles to fill myself with small bursts of water) but many users claim you can get bigger using air.

Any safety precautions and advice would be much appreciated, thank you!


Bump! Would also really like to know, if I'm going to be inflating with water anally, if I should just use the shower hose. People have warned that it could be dangerous because the speed can't be controlled but a lot of people actually suggest using the shower hose. Is this safe and should I simply press the hose against myself or actually insert it and how deep? Safe goes for if I'm going to be inflating using air, don't want to start inflating something vital that could pop. I think I'm going to go with water inflation though.

Would really appreciate feedback and advice before I decide to start blowing myself up!


First off the bat, I would not recommend inflating by swallowing large amounts of water- you can over-hydrate (the proper term escapes me at the time of writing) and really mess yourself up.

That aside, I've done it countless times anally, in the shower, using the shower hose. Works quite well for me, and you can control the flow well, after battling with the temperature- be very careful of that. Your insides are waaay more sensitive than your outsides. If it's a little bit too warm for you on your skin, it's probably way too hot to be rushing through your bowels!

Done properly, you'll find this to be very enjoyable. It's a great option to start on, in my opinion. You can better understand how your body handles the sudden expansion of the bowels and it's easier to find your limits. And it feels very cool to put your hands on your belly and feel the water gurgling up through your various tubes :) Liquid gets absorbed through the bowels too, so be aware that if you decide to try and keep the water 'in', chug down some sports drinks and eat some salty food to make sure you don't lose too much sodium (I'm pretty sure that's how it works, someone correct me?). You'll pee a lot, too.

Personally, I inflate with air instead of water, mainly because it doesn't compress and is very, very messy (I'm sure you know what I'm referring to :P). Air is pretty great because you don't have to be dashing between the shower and the toilet, and you don't waste heaps of water. I like to lie on my belly and use my aquarium pump, so I can feel everything getting tight. If you pump too much in, you may vomit. Just straight out there- it's happened to me a few times. I think it's because there's too much displacement and your body just wants to evacuate. I've kept going through this and found that eventually you get over it and just start burping uncontrollably. And you get very, very big. This took me years to get to this point- I started using a small bike pump, and taking it reeeal slow (I'm talking 15 minutes before I start to cramp). You'll learn to differentiate between cramps and your bowels saying "Nah. I've had enough.".

Overall, this kind of inflating (in my opinon) is as safe as houses, provided you pay attention to your body and don't overdo it!


Sorry for the double post! I just completely skipped over the inserting bit.

With water, I usually start with just pressing the hose against my anus until I'm accustomed to the feeling, and then pushing it in when I'm sure the temperature's stabilised- you can't really 'feel' temperature, so it'd /really/ suck for the cold water to suddenly drop out...

With air, I just go right ahead and shove that tube in and turn on my pump. It's not too fast so I don't cramp that much.


Thank you so much! Will use your advice. :)

Might try water first as it's more easier for me to spend a huge amount of time in the shower than trying to blow myself up with our pump. Think I'd prefer water over air, though I'd love to inflate using both methods! I can become quite uncontrollable when exploring anything to do with inflation so I'll need to be very careful that I don't get carried away and hurt myself. Even when I used to fill a bottle in the shower and used that to give myself an enema, even though only a quarter of the water found it's way in and my belly didn't grow at all, I could not control myself. This also happened one night alone when I decided to stick the hairdryer in my mouth and turn it on. Obviously this didn't inflate me apart from my cheeks but the rush of air really got to me. When experimenting using these methods we're talking about, I really need to be careful but I'm sure I'll be mature about it and push my fantasies aside.

Thank you for the advice though and I'll take the proper precautions!

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

The best advice or safest way to do it is to go out and purchase an enema kit. With an enema kit you can add things like sea salt to make the water isotonic so that the body doesnt absorb it. Doing it by the shower is fun but it can cause water intoxication if you hold it too long, and its too much pressure for the body to safely take in if you dont know what your doing. I'd say to take a high capacity enema and try to get used to retaining that before venturing into more dangerous territories.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

I love inflation
I love inflation's picture


Alexis Styles


Real life inflation but yes I do roleplay.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Did you try it yet? Mind if I ask how it went?

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


Nah, not yet. I've been really busy and I've yet to find a time where I have complete privacy to experiment in the shower. I meant to do this months ago back when I first posted this, I had the opportunity, but I bottled it to ask on here for advice. I'll try to secure a time to do this because I am bursting to inflate (no pun intended). I'll be sure to report back as soon as I've made progress. I'll even take measurements too.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Well, I won't exactly encourage you to inflate, but I am not against the idea either. The biggest one I reccomend is that you do get an enema kit so you can add salt, as doing it via shower enema you can get water intoxication from over hydration. I will leave that up to you though.
And also, I'm sure you probably already know, but don't try to push yourself. People have died from this kinda stuff, but it's pretty much always been people trying to force growth and expansion when the body wasnt ready or able to. 

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


Yeh, I'm really taking my time on considering doing this because of health precautions and I'm constantly changing my plan. I've yet to get around to doing it, hardly any free time these past few weeks, but I think all I need is more views on this and accounts of firsthand experience. Thanks for the advice, I'll keep all of this in mind, but I'm going to hunt for some more personal reports. I've also been considering air inflation by pump. It's just the time and risks that have stopped me from inflating and by the time I have some free time, hopefully I have enough encouragement.



I'm looking for some advice on water inflation using the shower hose. Already I've chatted to a few people about this and I get two different responses: "it's fine, I do it all the time" or "it's dangerous." I know I'll get responses with mixed feelings but I'd like to hear some firsthand experiences with anal water inflation using just the shower hose. How big can I expect to get? How long should I be inflating for? How (if any) many breaks I should take? Should I try this at all?

Thanks! I'm desperate for a variety of views on this specific kind of inflation.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Well, I used to do it a lot (a decent amount actually) back in my earlier teenage years, and if you could measure it, the max you should ever really take is about 4 litres, as that is what scientists studied back in the 1920's extensively (granted, thats old science and it may not be true anymore).
HOWEVER I must stress that reaching those levels will quickly bring you into minor water intoxication due to the rapid absorption of water in the large intestine. While minor water intoxication isn't usually fatal it can progress rather quickly due to the point of it being fatal. Also, while I like shower inflation for the more powerful feel, it also isnt recomended because the average shower hose spits out water at 22 PSI, where as the large intestine can safely take in 1 PSI.

Now, because it is your first time you shouldnt expect to get big, and if possible keep the water at body temperature and lower the pressure as much as possible. There's a good chance you will get minor water intoxication from this, no matter how safely you go.

I believe that the absolute best method is to get an enema kit and here is for a number of reasons.

#1: You can add salt to the water, making it isotonic so that no water gets absorbed into the body. This is really good because not only will it prevent water intoxication, but you also wont have to pee nearly as frequently.

#2: your body will have time to adjust and can naturally stretch its intestines slowly to acompany the slow flowing water, making it much more relaxing and better for you. This is also good because the expulsion will be much more relaxing and easier.

#3: unless you have a really long bathtub and shower hose, you can lie down anywhere to take the enema. The bed, the couch, and in more positions if your curious. 

#4: the pressure will be in the safe limit, and theres no risk of a boost of pressure from a shower hose

#5: The heat wont change with an enema kit as opposed to the shower. You do not want to get proctocolitis (burning of the intestines), and the tissues are much more sensitive.

So while it might be hard to get and/or do, I can not reccomend an enema kit highly enough, and I'm quite confident that if you ask others they will say the same thing about it.

You can also try air inflation with an aquarium pump or a bike kit, but I find that the aquarium pump is a much more relaxing inflation (do note that they will both be very crampy as opposed to water; I find anyways)

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


Thanks so much! I've been considering buying an enema kit since I don't want to hurt myself but I think I'll struggle about keeping this to myself, no one knows about my inflation fetish. I guess I'll just have to be all inconspicuous about it and find a good hiding spot. Anyways thanks for the advice! Honestly, I'm hesitant to start inflating because of safety reasons, that's why I've been considering doing it for a good whole now. I'll look into a few enema kits and see what I can do, thanks so much!

Any other advice or first-hand experiences would be grateful.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Your very welcome and I am glad to help.

Again, I would say its safe if you follow the proper procedures, but I have to admit that I did not do and official medical studies, just readings of old scientific documents and personal experience. It can of course differ from people to people, so this is more of a safety guide should you ever want to try it, abeit, you do so at your own risk.

(sorry to have to say, but I'd rather be the safety guy even if it's depressing for others. No fetish is worth getting seriously hurt over) 

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)