I've recently decided that I'm going to go ahead with my first ever proper belly inflation but there are a few things I'd like to ask in preparation before I blow myself up.
First, I've decided that I'd prefer to go with a water inflation but I'm not sure if I should perform an inflation enema with the shower hose or just stick it in my mouth and swallow rapidly. I've tried the latter before obviously, I think every inflationist has, though I'm a little concerned about anal water inflation and I'm not sure if it's the best method to go for at first. This brings me to the second thing.
I have also thought over inflating myself anally using a pump. Already I've read forums and even talked to other users about this and I have no doubts that it's a good method, but I have a few problems. Inflating using a pump would be hard for me due to privacy issues and the pump is not technically mine, I do not live alone. I have thought about buying my own pump but that may raise suspicions. Inflating via the shower is easier for me. Also, I'm still trying to decide whether or not air inflation would be better. I'm a lot more attracted to water due to the added weight it provides (I've had minor experience with mini anal enemas, using bottles to fill myself with small bursts of water) but many users claim you can get bigger using air.
Any safety precautions and advice would be much appreciated, thank you!
Bump! Would also really like to know, if I'm going to be inflating with water anally, if I should just use the shower hose. People have warned that it could be dangerous because the speed can't be controlled but a lot of people actually suggest using the shower hose. Is this safe and should I simply press the hose against myself or actually insert it and how deep? Safe goes for if I'm going to be inflating using air, don't want to start inflating something vital that could pop. I think I'm going to go with water inflation though.
Would really appreciate feedback and advice before I decide to start blowing myself up!