How do you cope with the "urge to inflate"?

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How do you cope with the "urge to inflate"?


A moment of your attention. I need your advice.


If some of you have experience in “real” “inflation” – how do you deal with this “urge to inflate”?


One of the visitors of this forum is currently in contact with me. I promised her not to tell her name, and casual exchange of PMs which started yesterday is pretty much the only my connection. Due to 12-ish hours difference in time I think she’s American, but that’s really all.

She actually practiced “inflation” “for real” and injured herself – some damage to the colon, some blood vessels torn in two, etc. And now she has this “enormous urge to inflate”.

We try to talk it through, get rid of that urge, but I’m no psychologist, and this “inflation” “for real” is something I never did and will never do. I hope she still didn’t kill herself and pray for her every day.


Sounds horrible! My only thought of how this can help is that she watch inflation fetish images / videos and "let off steam" this way. Maybe many times per day so the urge of doing it herself disappears. Or maybe it will just fuel the fire?

Personally this helps for me; If I want to inflate in my suit one day, but get off by watching fetish videos I don't feel the urge after.


Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group

TayvaRP's picture

I find reading stories that others make is a good way to deal with urges in my case, of course as long as theyre well written. Otherwise engaging in story-based roleplay helps too, but again both parties should be descriptive when it comes to the responses. A really good story you write with someone might be worth holding onto to read again later, should the urges ever return.

darth_clone19's picture


 -   Read my stories: 

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

This is a tough one because I have a friend who is into inflation. Quite honestly, I don't know of a way, but I know there are ways to do safe practice.

First off, while I want to say it would be alright, I have absolutely no experience with inflation related injuries. Do you know if her's is permanent? was there a diagnostic?

I really can't even reccomend safe practices to her because I dont know enough about the injury, and because of that even safe pracitces might not be safe. Do you mind contacting her and seeing if I can chat with her? I have a lot of practical experience with body inflation, so maybe I can help her out and at least help her cope with it.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


It's also about willpower. You can choose yourself if you want to indulge in perversion or not. When you feel the urge, focus on something else, or just take a walk, call a friend, watch a movie, play your guitar....whatever to get your mind off. 

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


I usually just stick to roleplay and "inflate" that way or stuff my clothes. It's not the same as real inflation but it has a kick to it, I usually just let people "inflate" me however they want to break the ice and the results are magical. Just imagine yourself inflating like in the roleplay, it's better than simply daydreaming too since there's another participant doing the "pumping." I don't know about her or any of you other guy's reaction to this but sometimes sticking a pillow under your shirt or jumping on YIM is much more safer. Might not have the same effect but safer yeh.

jonathan856's picture


I like to read about pregnancy complaints :)
“Im terning in to a water balloon and Iv still got another 2 months tell I POP”
if under standing what someone is going through leads You have compassion its not all bad? 

I  used to stuff my clothes “clothes stuffing” then do home/paper work.
That way I get to enjoy and not wast much time.
You learn to tie quick release knots so You can answer the door.

I go to church.
we all sin the point is to try and do better.

I think its ok to enjoy this inflation thing as long a you do NOT hurt Your self or others or wast to much time on it or spend to much $ or freak out the neighbors.
“real inflation” never doing that again to dangerous OUCH.

I know a lot of good ways to cope with this fetish I just don't have time to list them all right now.
but sum of them are mentioned in other post Iv made here :)
live long and prosper.

living in a way that is too safe is a fate worse than death.if a person never takes a risk then they never lived at all! the freedom of speech is the freedom to resolve all problems & differences without violence.

jonathan856's picture

I like to read about pregnancy complaints :)
“Im terning in to a water balloon and Iv still got another 2 months tell I POP”
if under standing what someone is going through leads You have compassion its not all bad?

I used to stuff my clothes “clothes stuffing” then do home/paper work.
That way I get to enjoy and not wast much time.
You learn to tie quick release knots so You can answer the door.

I go to church.
we all sin the point is to try and do better.

I think its ok to enjoy this inflation thing as long a you do NOT hurt Your self or others or wast to much time on it or spend to much $ or freak out the neighbors.
“real inflation” never doing that again to dangerous OUCH.

I know a lot of good ways to cope with this fetish I just don't have time to list them all right now.
but sum of them are mentioned in other post Iv made here :)
live long and prosper.

living in a way that is too safe is a fate worse than death.if a person never takes a risk then they never lived at all! the freedom of speech is the freedom to resolve all problems & differences without violence.