Hello everyone,
I kind of stumbled upon this site as a coincidence. However I decided to join because I haven't been able to discuss this topic with people without getting weird looks. Actually no, I've never told anyone in my close environment. And I plan to keep it that way.
I'm female, bi, 21 years old but still live with my parents. I'm tall and lean so nothing big like these girls here.
I discovered my interest for this at a young age. I dreamed a lot about people's belly's suddenly swelling up. And at the Willy Wonka movie I sure was amazed by the blue berry scene as a kid. However I never considered it being a thing so I ignored it. Now as an adult I actually could only find these things in certain manga and comics.
And so I was amazed that real people actually can do these things. I think it's fascinating to see how someone can go from a flat belly to a tight expanded one. On youtube I watch reiinapop, Jonathan Inflator and Gobigger1. But I've never actually dared to try it myself, neither bloading or inflating with water or air.
I'm glad to be here and to read and follow things on the site. May I find something interesting, I'll surely share it. Questions are welcome ^^
(A BananaApple, alright, be cool man, be cool)
Hi, I really want to bite you-AW CRAP!
....Alright, joke introductories aside, welcome to the forums! I like to reply to people starting from the top of what they say to the bottom, so to start...
1: Yeah, body inflation is surprisingly common, but it's not exactly known on the social medium so it doesn't get a lot of attention. On here though we are very open to most things, so long as it isn't hateful or purposely harmful.
2: GOOD! Stay at home! Every single one of my friends (I'm 21 also), that has either moved out or still stays at home cannot stress enough to stay at home with your parents if you can. Countless adults have told me the same, plus, my folks, while divorced, are super cool people and do not restrict me at all. I have no shame in being at home, and I am so glad that I still am. Freedom is nice, but is just way to high a price.
3: Yeah, a lot of us around here came from the same place. I remember wanting to inflate like her as a kid and used to stuff my clothes with balloons. Now I have an inflatable latex suit which is just the best!
4: Not trying to brag, and appologies if I do sound this way as that isn't my intention, but I am one of the most well known on here that practices real life inflations. I have done so for about 5 years in total (not including the three year hiatus I took when I was 16), and I am still in perfect health with no inflation related injuries. I have actually written a FAQ and guide on real life belly inflation, both orally and anally, in which I will link here. Just be forewarned that this is all from experience and does not have much scientific backing. If you follow this guide, you do so at your own risk.
If you have any questions towards real life inflations, please send me a PM and I will do my best to help you out.
Once again, welcome to the forums!
(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)