Staying Inflated?

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Staying Inflated?

So I've about to inflate myself to my highest capacity and I was wondering: Can I stay Inflated somehow? I wanna keep like this, it feels so good.

BalloonInflator's picture

Assuming you inflate with air, unless you constantly pump back up and "refill" there's really no way to keep inflated. Even if you don't actively force it out, the air will leak slightly from your anus through natural movement of the bowels. You body also has the ability to absorb the air, though this process is significantly slower. Still, if you were to actively try to keep it all in (which would of course mean no more deficating, which is unhealthy over a long period of time, i.e. constipation) you could probably expect it to only last a day or so before you're back to normal.

In my experiences, the longest I've been able to maintain my inflation was about 8 hours or so, without "refilling". Now, pumping up again as needed, I've been able to keep my belly all day, but that takes effort and time.

In short, sorry, but there's no practical way to stay inflated for more than a short time.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

BalloonInflator is correct. There really isnt a way, and even if there was, the air would be absorbed. Part of the problem also, is that its not natural for the body to be that pressurized for that long, so it probably isnt a healthy thing to do long term.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


You could plug your anus, and more theoretically, not all gases are easily absorbed so there will be things you can inflate yourself with which would stay. I have also sometimes managed to get myself into a state where it's hard to fart, I think because the loops of intestine further up are inflated and squeeze the end bit shut sideways.


BalloonInflator's picture

I imagine there must be some serious health concerns regarding plugging your anus. Speaking from experience, when I was hospitalized due to a back injury, I had a small problem with constipation. It didn't really bother me that much, but the doctor was so concerned after a whole day of it, that he ordered enemas every 8 hours.

Didn't mean to delve into something disgusting, but my point is it seems that not pooping is a very serious thing to a doctor, even if it's just a short time. Since the only way to stay inflated would also cause this problem, it only makes sense that it's not a good idea.

I also conclude that not being able to go would also mean you would eventually be unable to eat, which we all know leads to even more problems.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


I don't want to spell it out too grossly, but yes it can be a problem after a very long time.  The healthy frequency of bowel movements is one per meal.  The distension of the stomach by food causes it to release a hormone which triggers defaecation.  Most people in the developed world don't seem to go this often, or at least among my clients they don't, due to lack of bulk.  However, before I gave up meat I used to go about once every five days, so yes it's serious but it isn't immediately life-threatening unless the cause is serious (e.g. paralytic ileus or a tumour blocking the colon).

It would be intestinal obstruction of course, which involves increasing pressure leading to paralysis of the colon but it would have to be quite extreme.



One per meal is a little high. It can vary from between person to person from within a few days without too much health concern. Also just to note, I think the stretching of the rectum is the main stimulatory factor in defecation but you are right in that the gastrocolic reflex plays a part.


In real life - see above ^_^

In a suit - oh yes! You can arrange staying inflated in a suit, at least until someone finds you.

In a fantasy, at least in my imagination, people can stay inflated for several minutes. It requires a constant muscular effort - not big but continuous, so eventually they get tired and deflate. It isn't a useful exercise, but I guess it's possible to stay inflated for a whole day if you train in it.