Has inflation ever ruined something for you?

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mosherballoon's picture
Has inflation ever ruined something for you?

I was thinking the other day how sometimes I feel like I can't watch a film or TV show if there is a connection to inflation. For example I was struggling to watch a Gene Wilder movie because my brain kept telling me "he plays willy wonka. ..you like something in that movie" It sort of distracts me from the film and can put me of watching it. Does anyone else feel like this sometimes?

doubleintegral's picture

I've noticed a bit of an odd correlation between inflation and the girls I've had relationships with - namely, that any girl I've had a relationship with I've simply been unable to mentally picture them inflated.  Same is true of my wife 13 years into being together.  I could picture other attractive girls at my high school inflated, and that came to be a sign to me that I wasn't going to ever date them.  Kind of bummed me out for a while until I got over it.

GiftedShana's picture

While it hasn't really ruined anything like a movie or a show, it has made conversations hard to pay attention to. I'll explain. Having RP'd for so many years, their are plenty of buzz words or simply over used words that I used as either a medium(helium, juice, milk, etc.) or as a descripter(inflated, filled, billowed, etc.) and every time they come up in conversation it pings my nerves. Less than a handful of people I know in person know of my kink, and I plan on keeping that number small. A sort of "need to know" deal.

So when it comes to family or other close friends making jest of inflation or adding any slight emphasis on any of the aforementioned words, I feel an odd discomfort bordering embarrassment. Even though I know that they have no idea of my kink, there's still that part of my brain that thinks of "what if they find/found out?". Its nothing that keeps me awake at night, but in short, this fetish has made my mind hyper aware of certain words that I can't ignore, even if its in a conversation I'm not a part of.

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.


wannabehuge's picture

I'm with you on that one. You definitely develop trigger words. Or anytime my ex asked me if her boobs got bigger. I just imaged them swelling right then and there.

I had a friend in high school that one day during class he drew a group shot of a caricature of my group of friends. one of our friends was a know it all, and he drew that friend inflated like a balloon to match his ego. But when I saw it, I just wished he had drawn my girlfriend blowing up her boobs. 

I do morphs, my commission info is here:



Inflation was always good to me, it's me who put it aside occasionally.

Actually, there was one awkward situation.

I was 5. With boys I played boys games - cycling, roaming industrial areas, fighting. With girls I played in inflation, especially with the two (Annie and Anastasia, both happily married these days, our families are still friends). We were kids, there was nothing sexual about it, it was just funny to imagine how people inflate like balloons. For example, one scenario was about Annie being a famous ballet dancer. We played as if I inserted a hose while she prepared to dance - and then I blew her up while she danced until she popped. Annie always swayed her hands to show how fast her tatters fly. Sometimes our parents were asking what are we doing, we explained, they laughed or shook head and we kept playing.

But one day it went really awkward. Anastasia, the more brave girl, asked me to "insert a hose" into our teacher. So I, a 5 year old boy, took a corner of her skirt and pulled it upwards!

Well, it didn't end well. ^_^ No dessert, and a lecture about manners.

Next day Anastasia played our teacher and I played our class - as if her class blows her apart. That was kids revenge.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Similar to Shana, I find that there are trigger words for me that instantly snap me into focus. If I hear inflation, or things like that, my brain changes all focus to whatever triggered that.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

BalloonInflator's picture

There are a few key words, images, sounds, what have you that tend to make me think of inflation regardless of the situation. However, when it comes to movies, I tend to invest my imagination in the here and now. If I'm watching X-Men, I'm not thinking of Star Trek despite Patrick Stewart being in both. Perhaps it's just easier for me to keep actors separate from their characters.

In other situations, I do sympathize a bit. There have been occasions where my facination with inflation has made me feel a bit uncomfortable where a normal person would've just laughed it off. My sister, for example, came home from school once, and we had a big family get-together to celebrate. Anyway, after a rather large dinner, she decided to pull up her shirt and show off her bloated belly and said she felt like "a balloon so full and ready to pop." Naturally, I just laughed it off with the rest of the family, but secretly I was thinking "I could show you how to do that without the food..."

Aside from the obvious incestuous undertones, It made me feel quite a bit uncomfortable. I can only imagine what might have gone down if I had actually spoke my mind instead of biting my tongue.


Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


Ironically the word inflation does nothing for me due to my economics back round however the word blueberry is my Viagra.


Anything with Male inflation scenes.


No seriously. I used to not mind them as a kid [as in I put up with them, even found some funny in cartoons, note I've NEVER had a sexual fetish for male inflation at all, only female,] but as my love for female inflation grew, it made me hate male inflation more. As in whenever I see a male inflation scene starting up anywhere now, I usually change the channel quickly and say something like "Why couldn't that of been a female?!"


Yeah...so basically I hate male inflation, a lot now. Funny huh?


I hate male inflation too. Guys have nothing TO inflate, really, and even if they DO, it's not really attractive in any way/shape/form. It's the females (like myself) that are better with inflation, because it doesn't take a genius to figure out that guys like boobs, butts, and bellies. (the 3 B's)

airtankgirl5's picture

I've found something of the opposite.  Inflation has made lots of mundane things better 

When I hear one of those trigger words, I'm all like "OK, game on!" inside.   If I'm out and about and I see someone that could use some inflation, its pleasant for me to picture it, or if I see a situation that would be improved by inflation (like being in an office meeting), it makes me happy that I'm thinking about that person or situation in a private way that makes me happy. 



Body inflation screwed over only one relationship for me. When I was in 11th grade, I was dating this girl, and after a while, we had a date and I just mentioned my thing for body inflation. This was a few days before I made my deviantart channel, and she wasn't a fan, and I was ok with that. The day after I made my deviantart account, she dumped me for a jock. I was pretty much bitter about dating in general until after I graduated all cause this person was disgusted about something I liked.


Other than that, body inflation didn't really ruin much else. I think its made my life better in a way. I've improved my handwriting and artstyle by drawing it, I met someone who loves the same kinks as me, and making deviantart content is a great escape after a day of doing college work and chores.

doubleintegral's picture

Sorry bud, but it sounds like she was going to dump you anyway and that the revelation of your fetish was just the precipitating event.


True. I think it was a good choice that I gave up dating in high school from there on. Being dumped by two or more girls for bigger and badder men would have ripped me apart. I did meet someone while I was on vacation, and she and I have been together for over a year now. And she enjoys blueberries as much as I do XD

doubleintegral's picture

Gather round, everybody.  I'd like to tell you a story from today...

Was providing A/V support for an event this morning - the subject of the event is not important, but one of the sessions was about yoga breathing techniques for relaxation.  The yoga instructor they brought in had the kind of ideal body you read about in the first two paragraphs of a body inflation story: slender, small waist, nice butt, nice boobs.  She was wearing yoga paints, sports bra, and one of those exercise tank tops, showing a fair amount of cleavage.  She wanted a wireless microphone so she could have her hands free, but she couldn't find a good place to clip the pack on (the waistband of her yoga pants was too flimsy) so she clipped it... on her sports bra, right at the front of her right boob.

I was already distracted.

Then she started the session.  "Take your right hand and put it over your heart."  Homina.  "Then take your left hand and put it over your right hand."  Her left boob flattened a bit under this.  Homina homina.  "Now take a deep breath and hold it in your chest for 10 seconds, then release."  Her whole chest rises, pushing her boobs and the microphone pack outward.  Homina homina homina.  This continued for a couple of minutes.

"Now, I want you to hold that deep breath in your belly.  Feel your belly expand with the air.  We spend too much time holding our bellies in tight.  Let it fill up and expand."

I about had to leave the room.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture


(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)