Poll time #16!: Do you have a pregnancy fetish?

Yes - Strong
34% (19 votes)
Yes - Medium
20% (11 votes)
Yes - Mild
5% (3 votes)
Yes, but is not a sexual fetish (can be mild, strong, etc...)
4% (2 votes)
Previously had, but no longer have a fetish towards
5% (3 votes)
29% (16 votes)
4% (2 votes)
Total votes: 56
Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

After a certain topic brought up a creative idea, I decided to start another poll, this time focusing on that oh-so common thing: Pregnancy.

Now, as many of you know, pregnancy is a pretty big thing for a lot of people, males and females in terms of sexuality. Some people would say it's not a fetish but others argue that it is an abnormal fascination with a body part. Either way, I find it relates a bit towards inflation as womens bellies basically balloon up and distend as the infant grows. 

As usual, I'll start this off. 

I chose Yes - Mild. The reason for this is that while I love the idea, I don't find that sexually I think about it in the heat of the moment, but it's enough too meet someone pregnant that I find somewhat arousing. Not really in a "want to have sex" sort of way but more of a "wanting to cuddle and feel the belly" sort of way. Pretty confident the latter is common for a lot of people, but I digress.

Alright, time to post answers people! 

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


I'd say I have a really strong pregnancy fetish, it's what pretty much triggered my inflation fetish at a young age with all these human balloon women waddling around and I absolutely love the shape and form, not to mention the progression over time! The size is important to me, the bigger the better, but so is the shape, I still find small bumps pretty attractive so long as they have that nice spherical shape going on.

I'd love to have a sexual experience with someone who's pregnant but most of it would involve me groping their belly and probably playing out acts related to inflation, like pretending to blow them up or something. I have an interest in falling pregnant myself though, even though I'm a guy, and would love to live through the full nine months before I'm ready to give birth. I'm not into birthing at all but I have a curious interest to experience it myself, a more personal rather than sexual desire. Back to bellies though, I'd love to be pregnant and watch myself slowly but surely grow larger and larger, watch my belly button pop out and, hell, even witness a few stretchmarks appear across my taut underbelly as I prepare to possibly explode.

So yeh, I love big pregnant bellies and I think I've only felt a few, probably when I was younger, but I myself would love to become pregnant because I think it'd be a really nice yet weird sensation. I'd literally do anything to fall pregnant.

Blue_Eyes's picture


Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

doubleintegral's picture

I became aware of my pregnancy fetish before I became aware of my inflation fetish, although both occurred while I was in first grade.

Pregnancy is the only/best real-world connection to body inflation on a micro scale.

And to those of you (like bubz above) who have yet to have a sexual encounter with a pregnant woman, let me assure you that, unless it is with someone who is really uncomfortable or just doesn't like being pregnant, it is worth the wait.  My wife is also a pregnancy fetishist and her two pregnancies featured the absolute best sex of our marriage.


^ +1

BalloonInflator's picture

This one isn't easy to give an absolute yes or no to for me.
While I do find pregnant women sexy, it feels quite different than the feeling I get from an infated belly. While it reminds me of pregnancy, inflation lacks that very "primal" connection. Assuming that I actually know what's going on, an inflated belly is just that, a balloon full of air or water (or other if you're going that way), but a pregnant belly contains life. It's a body doing what it was designed to do, and that's a beauty all to itself.

So, yes, pregnancy is sexy, but not for the same reasons inflation is.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


Apologies for topping such a beautiful comment BI, one clarification.

I find pregnancy sexy because I'm aroused by inflation - only that.

Boobs start swelling first, nipples grow, the butt, thighs and entire body join, belly grows when everything else already inflated. Face looks puffier. Sensitivity increases dramatically - hence Intergral's observation. Inflatee becomes much softer to the touch, and before the bang she tightens up. The growth, the size, the tension. We males can only care and comfort or at least enjoy the view if we're ignorant ^_^ I've been ignorant a few times - while our charming ladies do the blow up. Inflatee being oh so very hungry, then oh so very horny, inflatee accepting her fate and just waiting for the big bang nervously, how inflatee's body blossoms as if becoming younger when inflating.

And all other inflation role-plays. Inflatee complaining of her fate, inflatee being nervous, inflatee thinking mostly of her inflation, inflatee and inflator knowing that the lady will inevitably get bigger and bigger and there's nothing they can do to stop inflation, inflatee moving cautiously afraid to "puncture" herself finding new ways of doing things and how you defend your beautiful balloon, how you both are excited about the upcoming pop and how it will change the life forever - you won't wake up with hangover next morning thinking "what was that", it's permanent! The tremble of contractions and what that tremble means for the inflatee, the hurry of "omg she's really gonna blow NOW", even such details as breathing forcefully before the kaboom, clenching together as hard as she can when pulsing at the limits of her efforts and the "OOOH" cry I see in stories. Even "primal" desire not to be there when she pops that we men have to struggle. Even the big clean up you'll have on your busy hands afterwards.

Pretty much every single fantasy I can think of in inflation - is present in pregnancy - and we're inflation fetishists. ^_^

oh2bpreg's picture

Absolutely not. ;)