Getting over that one?

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Getting over that one?

Hello? Sorry Ive been taking this community for grasied lately but Ive recently been treated like shit by a girl any chance for some dealing with it advice? Apologises in advance Im drinking heavily judge as you will

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Well, since you asked, rather than (thank you for not) dumping the whole story on us at once, couldn you explain what the issue is?

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


Girl I love has fucked another guy, pathetic I guess. I guess I just gotta grow a pair and solsdier on sorry to bother yall


Dump her, if she will fuck another guy once she's more likly to do it again than not. Soldiering on is usualy pointless as it just festers and IMO is the easy way out.

BalloonInflator's picture

I have to agree with toolazy. I was with a girl who cheated on me. I decided to forgive her and try to move on, but she did it again. I let my emotions get in the way of better judgement and this continued for two years. She cheated, I forgave her, she cheated again, so on and so on. In the end I finally came to my senses and said enough was enough.

Forget about her and move on. Otherwise you're wasting a good deal of your life trying to love someone who doesn't truely love you back. I'd give you the whole "plenty of fish" speech, but you don't need that.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


Tell her it sucks for her because is kissing out on how awesome you are! Woo!


Thqqanks guys bt imat rock bottom I m drunkk most days cant tske thid



Dude, just saying, I'd maybe take a break from social media. It'll probably help you out in the long run if this is messing you up this much.


Ok. Well break ups are hard, it takes a while to deal with. Don't expect to be over it immediately.

Just a couple things I think are very important- you've reached the point where it sounds like there isn't really much going back. My advice is to cut all contact if possible. Sever. If you have kids this might not be possible.

Take some time out, devote yourself to things that help you de-stress. Hang out with mates.

You will find things get easier over time, but you need a good while, possibly even a few months or years to deal with it completely.


You will always remember her, and might even be able to rekindle a friendship in a long time. But for now, its over. And imagine, if you find it hard to deal with losing her because you miss her, imagine when you find someone who will love and respect you 100%. (It's even better).


I've been in (and currently getting over) the same situation. Unfortunately, as counter-inuitive as it is to ignore what happened, you can't sacrifice your well-being, emotional and otherwise for a person. If she's willing to betray the trust and faith you've been giving, why stay? A relationship is equal work from both sides.


I've been in (and currently getting over) the same situation. Unfortunately, as counter-inuitive as it is to ignore what happened, you can't sacrifice your well-being, emotional and otherwise for a person. If she's willing to betray the trust and faith you've been giving, why stay? A relationship is equal work from both sides.


Wait a minute. Were/ are you actually in a relationship with her?