Clothes Inflation Wikia

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Sergy92's picture
Clothes Inflation Wikia

Hello, a friend of deviantArt has recently opened a Wikia page related to clothing and suit inflation scenes in media but, at the moment, is very low in content.

Any help expanding this wiki would be greatly appreciated.


Tell them tomorrowland has a suit inflation scene. 

Sergy92's picture

I recall that someone mentioned such a thing, but until the movie is released digitally, we cannot have a good quality shot of the scene.


I might be able to get the clip once it's released. The movie was pretty good, and the suit inflation was pretty useful in the film


"tomorrowland has a suit inflation scene."

Great.  I had little interest in seeing the movie but now I must see it.  Thanks a lot, Berry.




what part of tomorrowland had inflation?


It's sort of early in the movie. One of the background characters is flying around in a jetpack with friends, and he is knocked off course. Before he hits the ground his suit swells like an airbag to cushion the impact. It's pretty brief, but it's an awesome idea, and the shape was pretty funny too. 


This wikia is good. I never saw before the inflated woman from Vampire Princess Miyu!