No Theft Goes Unpunished

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"After her! I swear, if that little thief gets away, it'll be on all of your heads!"

"Y-yes, boss!"

The night's calm was shattered by the frantic clinking of armor as the castle's guards scrambled to carry out their captain's orders. As the panicked knights began to investigate the halls and rooms, they failed to notice a shadow slipping away behind them into the study.

The slender figure released a sigh that it had been holding for a long time. "Hah... I'd want to see that execution... As if this place wasn't easy enough to rob as it is. It'll be a lot easier with a buncha headless guards." Pulling back its hood, the figure revealed a head of sandy curls and a mischievous face. The young woman reached into the folds of her cloak, fishing through the many pockets for a moment, before pulling out a small leather sack. "Here we are... Aren't you a sight for sore eyes, my lovely little prize?"

She smiled in satisfaction as she peered into the bag. Even in the darkness, the content gleamed magnificently; a silver necklace embedded with a large, glittering emerald.

"I thought Therin said this job was gonna be a challenge." Her whispers lingered in the still air, not traveling past the closed door of the study. As she muttered to herself, she wandered about the small room. "This was way too easy, it almost wasn't fun. Almost," she added with a snicker.

The woman, a thief by trade and a damn good one at that, was named Halina. Slender, agile, and practically too cunning for her own good, Halina believed herself to be invincible. A few years back, she partnered herself with a wood elf named Therin, a twitchy guy with a knack for getting information on just about anything. His seemingly limitless source of information came in handy when the two needed a job. Therin would weasel out where the goods were, Halina would infiltrate and smuggle them out. Together, they racked up plenty of gold, enough to nearly live like kings. However, at that point, Halina was more in it for the thrill of the theft, rather than the pay. Knocking some rich fat-ass with too many valuable toys down a peg was the most fun she could ever have.

The woman sat down in a winged armchair facing the only window in the study. After her daring crime, she deserved a moment's breath. The window provided a lovely view of the castle grounds; below, Halina could see tiny pinpricks racing about, no doubt guards still searching for her. The sky, a rich velvet, was dotted with clouds that blotted out the moon. She knew to thank the gods for that, as any thief knew a moonlit night could be the one variable to screw up a heist.

She ran a finger along the mouth of the bag, her brow knitting in contemplation. "What did Therin say was the deal with this job again...? Oh, right..." Apparently, the large, solitary castle was owned by a powerful warlock, a temperamental man who made many enemies in his rise to wealth and status. The keep, while also being the man's home, was rumored to be host to many artifacts and treasures. Of course, Halina then knew that wasn't just a rumor; the necklace in her bag was testament to its truth. "Feh. Damn magic users deserve to be stolen from. More than just this stupid necklace, too. I'll bet there's a huge stash around here somewhere... and I intend to find it."

A new determination set in her mind, Halina stood from the chair, any thought for caution or leaving while her escape was ensured vanishing from her mind. Pacing about the study once more, she thought carefully about the castle's layout. "I'm in the east wing now... From the position I could gather from the window's view, this room must be situated in one of the towers." She hastily peeked out of the window, staring up at the castle. Her summation was correct; above the window, a massive tower stood tall and erect. "That means... there must be a staircase around here."

A giddiness flowed through her veins as she began examining the room even closer. She loved this part of the heist: figuring out secrets and profiting from them. Although she wasn't profiting from it just yet, she was certain she would be very soon.

"Aha! Gotcha!"

Her quiet whisper of triumph sounded as her fingers traced over a bump in the room's stone wall. Pressing the inconspicuous lump in, Halina grinned excitedly as the wall started to shimmer and fade, eventually disappearing altogether. "A clever illusion. Damn magic users." She peered into the darkness beyond, her eyes adjusting to the blackness. She could just barely make out the steps of a spiral staircase. As she passed through, the illusory wall reappeared behind her, as if it had never moved at all. "Convenient. All right, Halina, time to steal some shit."

The climb was long. Halina underestimated the size of the tower, and, after a good ten minutes of climbing, her enthusiasm began to wear down. Beneath the cloak, her leather armor was starting to chafe against her skin, and her trousers were riding up painfully. "Ugh... who built this thing?" she griped to herself, adjusting her armor.

Finally, after what seemed like eternity to the thief, the stairs leveled out to a landing, and Halina found herself before an ornate oak door, inlaid with elaborate carvings and a gilded handle.

"Ooh, this is it! The big one!" Elated, the thief wasted no time in opening the door, dashing into the room. In her excitement, Halina forgot all about planning or caution, which she would soon come to regret.

To her disappointment, the room was not a vault like she assured herself it would be. A number of shelves lined the room, filled with old tomes and scrolls. Several tables dotted the room, laden with papers and open books, and a bed was pushed off to the side. Definitely not a vault, but instead... a warlock's bedroom?

"Ah, but what do we have here? A little mouse trying to steal the cat's cream?"

Halina jumped at the sound of a deep, drawling voice. Barely suppressing a whimper, she turned towards the source of the amused tone. Seated on some sort of throne, a tall man stared at her with an almost indifferent expression. His robes were long and lavish and he had handsome features, but his eyes were cold and sadistic. The thief gulped and trembled under his gaze.

In her reckless glee, she had gotten herself caught. She was now faced with a warlock of unimaginable power.

"I heard some ruckus from the courtyard," he continued casually, waving his hand slightly. As he did so, the ornate door closed with a bang. "I suppose you're the source of that clamor?"

The thief's tongue felt dry and swollen in her mouth, but she found herself nodding in response.

The warlock's eyes narrowed, but he kept a light smile on his face. "I see. Such a brazen girl. What have you taken from me?"

Panicked, Halina started to back away, but the man gave another wave of his hand, and her body froze up. "Ah, ah. If you won't be a good girl and tell me, I'll have to do the work myself." With another careless flick, the thief's cloak was torn from her body, revealing her slender, lightly armored form and the bag hooked about her waist. The bag opened, and the necklace lazily floated out and lingered in the air. At the sight of it, the man burst out into laughter. "That's the one you took? How fitting." His sharp eyes flickered over her lithe body briefly. "You do need it more than I, certainly."

Before she could croak out a confused, "What," the necklace unclasped and flung itself tightly about her neck. Her body unfroze and she crumpled to the ground in surprise, her hands flying to her neck. She expected it to choke her to death, but was only further surprised as it simply hung about her neck, moving no more. Quickly scrambling to her feet, she glared at the warlock, a shot of defiance filling her.

"Is that all? Some magic user you are." Her recklessness was getting the better of her again, but she couldn't help but taunt him. Turning towards the door, she scoffed, "I'll just take MY necklace and--OH!"

She stumbled, eyes widening as she felt an odd constriction in her chest. Glancing down, she saw the emerald glowing brightly and ominously. "W-what is this...?" Another gasp was torn from her lips as she fell to her knees, the pressure in her chest building rapidly. After a moment of pain, the realization hit her like a ton of bricks; beneath her tight armor, her formerly flat chest was swelling up.

The reaction started slowly. Halina's nipples hardened painfully against her armor, pressing into the dark brown leather. The small caps quivered, before engorging faster, becoming visible against the armor as they poked outward. Their sensitivity flared and the thief nearly screamed as they rubbed against the tunic. Surpassing thimble size, they stood out proudly. Immediately afterward, the rest of her breasts began expanding to catch up with Halina's swollen nipples. The flesh puffed up slowly, constrained by the tight armor, and her nipples dug into the leather harder as her breasts pushed against their prison walls.

The leather squeaked and groaned as it stretched to the limit. The straps strained, parting to show glimpses of the porcelain flesh within. Halina let out a weak cry as the armor cut into her expanding form, and she struggled to release the buckles.

The warlock watched her panic in silent amusement for a moment, before speaking up. "I could release you from those trappings in an instant, if you wished." His eyes darkened as he added, "If you begged."

"Oh, gods, please! Please get rid of it!" she pleaded without a second thought. She felt like she was going to burst. The warlock's smile widened, and he swished a single finger aside slowly. One of the straps on her armor mimicked his finger, sliding free at a torturously slow pace. Not at all in an instant, like he offered. As one strap loosened, the inflation sped to fill the created space. Halina groaned, pawing uselessly at the front of her armor. A second strap came free, then a third, then the final one, and in a gasping eruption of flesh, the armor flew off, revealing the thief's swollen mammaries in all their glory. They resembled a pair of skin-colored watermelons as they hung from Halina's chest, their immense weight nearly toppling her. As the air hit them, her nipples grew even taller, fatly protruding from her still-expanding breasts.

"It's too much!" she cried as her hands flew to cradle her chest. A moan escaped her lips as her fingers brushed her erect nipples, sending courses of pleasure through her body. The expansion did not stop, and her breasts threatened to burst from her grasp.

"Not enough," the warlock countered thoughtfully, his gaze trailing from her comically huge chest to her slender hips and flat backside. "But don't worry, the magic will fix that very soon."

As if responding to his words, Halina felt a surge of flesh fill her trousers. Hands flying from her breasts to her ass, she frantically patted it as her hips flared out, tearing the pants down the side with a loud rip. Her buttocks wasting no time in matching her new hips, and her cheeks fattened up dramatically, pushing the torn remains of her pants off completely. She fell back onto her swelling ass with a huff, buoyed up as her thighs puffed up with it. Her breasts bounced wildly as she settled, before coming to rest in her now enormous lap. Her legs were forced apart slightly as her thighs inflated, rubbing together involuntarily. Halina panted deeply, trying to ignore the throbbing want of her pussy.

No matter how slightly she moved, Halina's hypersensitive flesh sent her reeling in desire. Her lips were almost bleeding from how hard she bit down on them. To her immense relief, she noticed the expansion was slowing, leaving her with ridiculously wide hips, an oversized rump, and utterly gigantic breasts.

"That ought to stop you from your thieving ways," the warlock commented nonchalantly, his smirk ever-present. "In fact, that will stop you from ever leaving this room!" He stood and waved his hand once more, and Halina found herself lifting off the ground and onto the bed. "I do not tolerate criminals, my dear, and I never leave a theft unpunished." He approached her form at a leisurely pace, enjoying her needy, flushed look. "I'll make sure you never even think of stealing from me ever again."

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AshyPie's picture

That was so wonderful~

I'm a pretty kitty~