Poll time #12! If inflating someone (At this present time), what do you prefer their choice in it to be? (Info on choices below)

Volunteer/wanting to be inflated: The person being inflated wants to be inflated willingly by their choice (can stop if needed)
45% (25 votes)
Forced (non-helpless): The person can easily stop inflating if they want/need to.
0% (0 votes)
Forced (partially helpless): The person may not want to be inflated, and can stop inflating if they really want/need to.
16% (9 votes)
Forced (completely helpless): The person is completely restrained and cannot stop inflating no matter how hard they try.
36% (20 votes)
Other (please state below)
2% (1 vote)
Total votes: 55
Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

(The subject in forced can either be willing to do it or completely against it, or anything in between. Had I included more polls I would have too many to count, so I just simplified it. Please state below in the comments your selection in detail)

Alright, time for a new poll everyone! This one I wanted to tackle a fairly common thing in inflation. A lot of the artwork and sometimes real life practices share that common theme of bondage or helplessness, since those fetishes in general are very common. So, I’d like to hear what you guy think and your stances at this current time. For instance, I’ll go first.

For me (in the assumption of a fantasy realm), while my stance has wavered on and off, at this time I’d say completely helpless. I don’t enjoy humans or things suffering, but for some reason the idea of someone being restrained and helplessly ballooning up as they are forced to watch and experience that really excites me. Maybe it’s the feeling of power, but I’m not entirely sure.

Alright, your turn everyone!

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


For me, completely helpless is the only thing I enjoy. I think it's the helplessness and the humiliation I get off on.


I don't feel bad about that at all, because it's me I want it done to. Otherwise, I'm happy with my life and don't want to get hurt. Just a form of masochism, I suppose! 



Wants it, but helpless and humiliated.


i've always been a fan of total helplessnes, and total forced is my preference, especially with the risk of popping

BalloonInflator's picture

I find it hard to choose one because my tastes change depending on mood.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...