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The drow crawled through the narrow stone tunnel, her path illuminated by the glowing pale blue squares inset in the walls.  Though the ruins were abandoned and long since picked clean by explorers, they still held secrets for those willing to search for them.

It took no small amount of effort, but the drow discovered the presence of hidden passages, concealed with the same powerful and subtle magics that permeated the structure.  These passages lead to rooms between rooms, the wealth within mere feet from the bare halls that countless explorers once traveled.  Emptying these rooms by herself was a chore - even if it was rewarding - but, she reasoned, the rooms wouldn't be much of a secret if she told anyone.

To her right, the lights on the tunnel wall ended abruptly before continuing on a few feet ahead.  She ran her fingers along the side, feeling for thin seams in the stone before giving it a push, her curiosity rewarded with the sound of stone rubbing against stone.  Turning, she positioned herself so her feet were against the wall and, with a grunt, gave it a shove.

The stone tile slowly ground forward before tipping and falling away, slamming into the ground a yard below with a heavy thud.  Pale blue light poured into the tunnel and the drow slid out, dusting off her tight cloth pants and adjusting her halter vest as she looked around the chamber.

The room was large and rectangular, stretching off into the distance with three sets of heavy stone doors on either side.  Along the walls were numerous cubic stone chests, still closed and untouched by explorers.  The glowing tiles were laid into the walls and ceiling in geometric patterns, the only decoration aside from a shallow, circular pool in the middle of the room.

Her attention was drawn to the pool as the surface began to ripple, and as a column of water rose up her hand instinctively flew to the hilt of her short sword.  She watched as it took on a humanoid shape, the features gradually appearing as the water shifted: The middle flared out into wide hips, tapering inward again before forming a soft torso with a modest chest.  Slim arms stretched out to either side, spreading into delicate fingers.  The head, once featureless, gained definition, becoming heart-shaped face with glittering, welcoming eyes, and hair that cascaded to the ground like a waterfall in slow motion.

"Please," it said, smiling softly. "Do not draw your weapon.  I mean you no harm."

"So you claim," the drow replied.

"If you've come for what was left by the builders of this place, then you are free to take it." She gestured to the room behind her with an outstretched arm. "It is of no value to me."

She relaxed her stance, but still kept her hand near the hilt of her sword just in case. "Strange that the guardian elemental of this place would give up what she was guarding so easily."

"No one remains to reclaim it.  It serves no one, gathering dust."

"So you won't mind if I take any of it."

"By all means."

She lowered her arm before striding towards the closest chest. "Easiest job -I've- ever done," she muttered.

The elemental watched her intently as she walked away, holding both her hands to her breast. "But!" she blurted out.  The drow turned, looking at her oddly.  Pausing to compose herself, she continued. "But you must be thirsty.  Please." She spread her arms in a welcoming gesture.  "Drink of my- the waters before you."

The drow glanced between the pool and the elemental before shrugging. "As long as you're offering." She walked back and knelt by its side, filling her cupped hands.  As she raised it to her lips, however, the waters quickly drained through her fingers.  She scooped out and raised a second handful, more quickly this time; it drained away as before, but almost seemed to slither through her hands in the process.  Growing suspicious, the drow peered at the elemental, who simply looked back at her with an innocent smile.  After a couple seconds of staring in an attempt to elicit a response, she lowered her mouth to the surface of the pool.

The water was cool and clean as it passed her lips, the latter surprisingly so considering it was underground for who knows how long.  As she drank it in small, short sips her mouth tingled; not like how the sweet, bubbling potion she bought from the gnomes did, but... different.

Above the drow the elemental stood as still as she could manage, one hand held against her chest and the other flat against her abdomen, unwilling to disturb her new companion.  She let out a soft gasp each time the drow's soft lips brushed against her, taking the elemental into her mouth a few drops at a time.  She inched her fingers down, sliding them into her cleft and working them in and out in time to the drow's sips, hips twitching as she let out short, silent gasps.

Her head tilted back as she focused on the part of her inside of the drow, getting larger but still so tiny.  Her fingers sped up as she imagined herself sloshing around inside of the drow, cradled by her warm, tight stomach, completely engulfed. "Yes," she panted. "More, mo-"

She froze as she felt the drow stop drinking, and her head shot down to find her staring back at her, utterly baffled, drops of her falling off her lips.  After a long, pregnant silence the drow finally said, "I should go."

The elemental slowly shook her head, glassy-eyed. "No."  Two tendrils of water shot out of the pool, wrapping around the drow's hands before growing firm and holding her fast.  The elemental sank down to her thighs as a tendril of water rose up, hovering in front of the drow's face. "You're not done yet."

The tendril plunged into the drow's mouth as the elemental let out another gasp and continued her ministrations, the drow struggling to breathe as she gulped down water.  She had drank to near-fullness before the elemental lost herself in passion, and now she forced herself to swallow it - her? - even as her stomach began to ache.  Inwardly, she cursed herself for falling for what was either the most subtle trap she'd seen, or the most bizarre.  The rush of water continued unabated even as her stomach filled to its limits and, faced with the inevitable, she wondered what fate awaited her.

"More!" the elemental panted. "Drink me!  -Consume- me!"

She squeezed her eyes shut, the pain in her stomach now so sharp that it felt like it was on the verge of ripping open.  Tears formed as the drow resigned herself to her fate, praying for it to end quickly when all of a sudden, it did.

Confused, she opened her eyes, more focused on herself than the enrapt elemental.  The pain had suddenly and unexpectedly disappeared; in its place was a strange tugging or pulling sensation all across the skin of her stomach.  At first she wondered if that was what it felt like when one's insides tore open, but she felt entirely too heavy and... well, not dead.  She tried to look down to see what had happened but the tendril held her fast, leaving her to muddle through what happened to her, up until she felt the touch of stone on her navel.

Oh no.

"I'm -inside- of you," the elemental moaned.  She slid her hand out of her sex and wrapped her arms around the drow's head, the tendril merging with her and emerging from just beneath her breasts. Pulling herself close, she began grinding her hips against the bottom of the pool. "You're swallowing me... every drop!"

The drow struggled to escape the elemental's grasp again as her ever-growing gut wobbled and jiggled beneath her.  She kicked her legs, rocking forwards and back on her midsection, hoping to pull herself free and crawl away even as she felt her knees leave the ground.

As her line of sight creeped higher she watched the water along the edges of the pond recede.  It flowed into the elemental, then gushed through her and into her gullet.  A curve of dark, damp skin edged outward, pressing into the as her belly stretched beyond all reasonable size.  Still determined to escape the elemental's iron grasp the drow continued her struggles, despite her efforts coming to little more than scraping the ground with the toes of her boots.

The elemental flowed up onto the drow's gut as it expanded, water running up her sides and disappearing into her mouth, making her grow ever smaller.  She tensed up, the surface of her body trembling and quivering, and she gripped the drow's hair in both hands.  Throwing her head back, she let out an ecstatic, ear-splitting cry that was cut short as she lost all form, the last gallons of her disappearing into the drow's mouth.

The drow clasped her hands over her mouth a half-second too late - for all the good it would have done - and she lay there blinking in stunned silence.  Realizing that she looked like a fool she lowered them and stared down at the damp grey expanse she rested upon, wondering how she could have gone from "svelte" to "the size of a bed and looking for all the world like she had drank ten barrels of wine" so quickly... or at all, really.

She pressed her hand into herself, not expecting it to give as much as it did.  It didn't hurt, it just full and heavy, and a bit cold.  Despite not moving she could feel the water inside her faintly swirling about, and she knew who to blame for that. "Hey!" she shouted, pounding the side of her belly with her fist.  "Get out of my body!  I still have tombs to loot!"

The only response she received was a contented purr emanating from somewhere deep inside her that sent a quiver through her body.

The drow scowled, folding her arms across her chest. "Terrific."

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