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Who would be interested in taking part in an "inflate-off" to see who can turn themself into the biggest balloon? 




I'd love to but a few people might explode, including me... not that that's discouraging me in any way shape or form. ;)


Me too, competetive inflation always makes me a bit unstable. HISSSSS!


Even the words "competitive inflation" make me go a little crazy.


Looks like there is 2 or 3 competitors so far ;) add me on skype: Balloonbellyboy so we can organise a group for this, maybe even start competing soon

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

How do you mean? Inflate latex suits and see who can get bigger?

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


Is that a challenge bubbles? ;) I wish I had a latex suit to do it with! I was thinking along the lines of people inflating/bloating thier bellies but I guess there could be an inflate-off for those with latex suits. 

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

I've never really considered myself a balloon when I inflate myself (anally I mean) but I guess thats a way to describe it.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


Thats fair enough, I suppose we all have our variations of this fetish. I'm guessing from your previous comment you have a latex suit? what are they like as I would be intersted in buying one when I have some free cash.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Yep. I actually film videos in it for fellow inflationists as well. I don't film myself inflating my own body (oral/anal inflation), that's more of a private thing. But to answer your question, yes, I do, and I think anyone who's a fan of inflation needs to experience an inflatable latex suit sometime in their life.


Also to go into further detail regarding what the suit is like, wearing inflatable latex suits is nothing short of fantastic, or at least a very pleasant experience. When you wear (inflatable) latex the latex begins to mold to your skin and melt into it, giving this feeling of a whole body second skin. The great part about inflatable suits however is that the more you inflate, the more pressure you start to feel, sort of like a full body air massage. It's also fun to pretend that your blowing up like a balloon too ;)



(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


Oh cool, where do you post your videos?  Thats fair enough, i only share my pictures on deviantart. That sounds amazing! Its alot of money though, which is something i dont have alot of. Would a smaller inflatable suit have the same kind of feeling as one of the giant inflatable suits? 

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Right here:


Also regarding the pictures, for me I usually only orally inflate naked or at least with a shirt on, so I don't want to go through the effort of putting on pants to post it online. Plus, I got fatter since my teenage years so it won't show as much, not to mention the forrest of body hair I have (<--proud of that, but hairy bellies aren't exactly attractive)

And yeah I think it would, it's just that when you have a giant inflatable suit you can pretend your inflating more rather than just getting the pressure from it. That being said, pressure is my favourite part, and if/when I get the cash I'd like to get a much smaller, thicker suit that's easier to manage. No regrets about mine, but if I just want the pressure a lighter one is much easier to use and maintain (also it'd be lighter. Washing and drying my latex suit is hard work!).

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


It's a challenge if you want it to be a challenge, suit or no suit. Personally I don't own a latex suit, so I'd have to go for more simpler methods. ;)


I dont own one either so it looks like we will have to do it the "simple way"  ;) 


Hehe, looking forward to that!


interesant idea the used inflatable latex suit

inflatables costumes, suits and clothings


If we had enough people that were interested then we could have a competition with different categories. Air inflation, Water inflation, Suit inflation etc. And then put the scores into a leaderboard for all to see.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

This is a good idea. We just need numbers for participants and I'd join in on this. Well, maybe not the suit part as I don't want to burst mine, but the other stuff sounds like fun!

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

mosherballoon's picture

I have a home made suit,  basically an air bed under my clothes. It would be fun to participate in even though I know I'd have no chance getting as big as someone with an actual inflatable suit.

mosherballoon's picture

I have a home made suit,  basically an air bed under my clothes. It would be fun to participate in even though I know I'd have no chance getting as big as someone with an actual inflatable suit.

Phraxus's picture

As a HUGE fan of competitive inflation, I'm intrigued by this.  Sadly, I don't have any of the necessary 'tools' to take part.  Not if we're talking a real-life blow-off at least. >>;


"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."

firnov's picture

it remebers my of a story on this site.. a bood story by the way

And boom goes the inflatee


would this be just who has the biggest belly or like biggest know a kinda before and after sort of thing??

Do you see my meaning?


Yeah, maybe i didnt make its clear what i meant. I mean everyone takes a measurement before inflating, then inflates and its the person that grows the most that would really be called as the "biggest" as they have grown the most.


I in. :)

No morphing/photoshopping etc. Only REAL photos!!

Time and Date?


Anyone that is interested add me on skype: Balloonbellyboy  and we can make a group discussion on there


Jakubxx's picture

I added you :3 I use my rp account becouse my main is for business and friends only ^^ 


Thats fine, id never use personal stuff anyway 

Jakubxx's picture

I added you :3 I use my rp account becouse my main is for business and friends only ^^ 

Daemon13's picture

Added you ^_^

Jakubxx's picture

Maybe after this competition admins gonna give "the biggest" title to nick :3

That could be cool 


This becomes really a big thing! It's very exciting, gentlemen!

Jakubxx's picture

I wouldn't mind to do something like this every year :3


Somebody better record this...

Jakubxx's picture

So...did we have any winner?