After the world of civilized man

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The sky is full of gray clouds as Saylee rides a horse across the brown grass and approaches Lord Marth’s castle. She feels the warm arms of Veronica around her waist as she rides and struggles to resist the urge to feed upon her friend. She remembers the civilized world of man and when she fed and lived like a queen. A world of noise and a world of cities, but that world was not to last. The proud angry fools of man set fire to the world and began the end of the world of civilized man. Humans became harder to find and the more powerful vampires took claim to several.

Saylee sighs and knows she has grown weaker due to lack of feeding. Fortunately she found Veronica and became friends with her. She took care of her and in turn would feed on Veronica. Just enough to keep her going, but the small feedings only slowed the tide of growing hunger. Saylee looks up at the gray sky and can see faint hints of the sun through the dense clouds. Silently, she thanks the proud angry fools of man for protecting her from the sun and curses them for making her starve in the process. Lord Marth had a way to help or at least that was what the rumor is.

Saylee watches as others on horses meet in front of the gate and they join them. She remembers the invite said there would be others to gather and benefit from Lord Marth’s help. She doesn’t look at the other vampires as their horses’ huff and the hooves clack through the gate. Veronica tenses around her and she fights the urge to comfort her with words, but gently pats one of her hands instead. Saylee feels moisture from the brick entranceway cling to the left, shaved, side of her head and doesn’t want to imagine how bad the long black haired side will smell after this is over.

Something in the courtyard ahead catches Veronica’s eye and she whispers in Saylee’s ear, “Look.”

Saylee sees Lord Marth’s muscular form towering over a chained up woman and she knows he has been feeding very well. She senses the power whirling within him and knows it would be a mistake to ever engage him physically in combat. She wonders if he is as powerful as the old ones from legend and knows in this age after civilized man it is unheard of. Lord Marth laughs loudly at the small woman that is sobbing in her chains before him, “Tryth the vampire slayer. The last vampire slayer and I am honored to have you as a guest in my castle.” He smirks, “You have not gone up against a vampire such as me before. You failed before you even tried against me. “He turns to the new arrivals, “Ah my guests. You’re just in time for a demonstration.”

Tryth looks up at him meekly, “Demonstration.”

Lord Marth laughs, “Yes…a demonstration.” He grabs hold of her mouth and pries it open. He pours a fluid down her throat and tosses the empty vile aside. He smiles as he gently pats the side of her face and she coughs. “It won’t be long now.”

Tryth feels a warmth spread through her body, “What did you give to me?”

“You’ll soon find out.”

Suddenly Tryth groans as she feels a pressure building in her midsection and feels herself swelling. Her belly, back, and sides push outward as she swells with blood and Lord Marth admires. She moans loudly as the curve of her midsection swallows her breasts and Lord Marth unchains her so she has room to expand. Loud squeaks sound as she gasps loudly and her crouch swells downward to her knees. Her face sweats as she gasps, “Wha….what did you do to….ME?!” Tryth receives no response as her sphere body swells with blood and pushes her bigger. Her body groans and creaks loudly as her legs and arms are swallowed by her sphere body. Her body shrieks loudly with pressure as pain fills her mind and her sphere body reaches her hands and feet. She cries out loudly as the curve of her sphere body touches her chin and the pressure stops building.

Lord Marth gently pats Tryth’s tightly stretched skin and turns to the new arrivals. He smiles, “My guests, as you can see from the demonstration you can get a massive amount of blood from one human with my help. The price is simple and easy. You taste my blood in return.” He motions to the door on the far left, “Please, settle yourselves in and think about my offer. There’s no rush.”

Saylee feels Veronica tense around her as the new arrivals ride toward the door on the far left and she curses herself for being so stupid. A guest, an offer, and a price, but the price would be tasting Lord Marth’s blood and becoming his willing subject. The hunger is strong, but nothing is worth that price. She drops off the horse and ties it up to a post along the wall, looks up at Veronica still sitting on the horse, and sees the worry in her eyes. It's clear to Saylee she did not like the idea of being in a confined area with so many hungry vampires. Silently Saylee vows to keep watch over her as she sleeps and guides her off the horse.

The night is cool and quit as Veronica sleeps and Saylee watches her slumber while sitting with her back against the only door. Her mind wanders with distant memories and images of forgotten cities of light. Suddenly, her senses pick up on quiet movement in the hallway beyond the door. She focuses more on the quiet shuffling of a human and detects the quieter moving vampire that's in front of her. Curiosity swirls to life inside Saylee and she quietly rises to her feet. Different scenarios float through her mind, but one is the more prominent and probable scenario. They were making a grab for the formula. Slowly she opens the door to face the would be thieves and she hears a very faint curse. She smirks at the curse and whispers, “You’re making a go at the formula.”

The vampire responds, “No, just to get some ai…”

Saylee cuts him off, “Save the crap. We want in and you will appreciate the added help.”


“One moment.” Saylee moves to the bed and rouses Veronica from her slumber. She whispers, “It’s time to go,” and guides her into the dark hallway.

“There is another that I am working with that will meet us there.”

“Good. Let’s go.”

The courtyard is quiet as Saylee and the others and she sees the blood bloated Tryth watching silently. The other vampire and her companion is already there and Saylee wonders why Lord Marth would keep such a formula here. The other vampire opens the chest and removes a vile. She pours the vile into her companion’s mouth and Saylee whispers, “No!”

Suddenly the companion moans as his belly push outward and he begins filling out. Saylee retrieves a few vials from the chest as he rounds and squeaks sound as his sides round outward. His vampire pours more into the mouth of the expanding companion and the companion moans loudly as the pressure doubles and pushes him bigger. Saylee guides Veronica away as the skin groans and the companion moans. The first vampire retrieves a few vials and follows Saylee’s lead. The companion moans as he swells and becomes more sphere like. He bends his hands slightly to feel the curve of his swelling sphere body and feels the curve touch his chin. The pressure is immense as he becomes immense and the curve of his body begins swelling up around his head as he surpasses Tryth’s size. Lord Marth’s voice booms, “It was unwise to steal from me!”

The expanding companion‘s heart races with fear at the sound of Lord Marth and he can only imagine what’s happening as his sphere body continues to swell upward around him. He feels a swirling of untamed pressure within him and as his skin squeals he fears he may pop, but he hopes for the best. He smiles as the pressure bloats him bigger and knows he will happily feed his master once he’s done expanding. He feels the powerful pressure inside him pushing him bigger and he can sense the dark and powerful form of Lord Marth beyond his swelling sphere body. His master asks, “What are you going to do?”

Suddenly, Lord Marth punches the swelling sphere shaped companion and a loud boom sounds as the pressure is released. Blood splatters Tryth’s face and the surrounding area. The hungry master quickly dives for the puddle of the blood where his swelling companion once was and begins feasting. Tryth feels the blood running down her face and says with shocked expression, “We can pop!”

Lord Marth laughs loudly as he watches the vampire feast on the puddle of blood, “Of course you can. All of that pressure and stretched so tight. What did you think would happen?”

Suddenly, the real Tryth leaps at Lord Marth and slams a wood stake into him, but the Lord turns slightly so it avoids the heart. He back hands the four foot eight tall vampire slayer and she splashes in the blood. He yanks the stake free and smiles at Tryth as the wound heals. “So you’re the real Tryth. I was horribly disappointed by the other, but maybe you won’t disappoint as much.”

Tryth rises to her feet and cartwheels toward Lord Marth. A stake slides out of her left sleeve and into her hand as she lands on her feet before Lord Marth. She slams the stake toward the vampire’s heart and he again turns to avoid it hitting his heart. The stake pierces flesh and he swings at Tryth, but she ducks and steps back from the wounded Lord. Suddenly, she pumps into something hard and the vampire that was feeding on his companion’s remains shoves her back into the lord. Lord Marth catches her by her neck and smiles as he raises her into the air with his right hand. He pulls out the stake, “Well not as disappointing.”

Saylee yells, “Tryth!”

Tryth looks with her eyes to see a vial sailing at her, she catches it, and in the same movement shoves it down Lord Marth’s neck. He releases her, she lands crouching on the ground, and scoops up a wood stake. Rising to her feet she slams it into the lesser vampire and it screams as it turns to dust. Lord Marth’s shocked face looks down at his belly as it squeaks loudly and pushes outward. The vampire lord swells swiftly as other vampires rush into the court yard and Tryth turns to face them. Lord Marth grunts as all the blood in him that made his so power reacts to the vials contents and his body squeaks loudly as he becomes more sphere like. He stares at his rounding body in shock and overwhelmed by the mounting pressure. “Kill her!”

Lord Marth swells larger than the imposter Tryth and his shadow slowly crawls across her bloated form. His body shrieks loudly as he stops growing upward and swells farther outward in all directions. He pays no attention to the battle going on nearby and he moans as the curve of his sphere body pushes into the imposter Tryth. Loud squeaks of rubber sounds as the curve of his body pushes outward and down on the imposter. She screams up at him about the pressure and to stop, but he has no control. He wonders why he had to drink so much blood to become so powerful.

Suddenly a boom sounds as the imposter pops like a balloon and blood splatters the nearby area. The real Tryth growls at him in horror and she races at him with a wooden stake. Lord Marth knows he’s a helpless, swelling, balloon and there’s nothing he can do about it. He closes his eyes and the stake’s point makes contact with his tight skin, but it just shrieks. He doesn’t pop and several more shrieks sound as Tryth attempts to penetrate his tightly stretched skin. He laughs with relief as he continues to swell, “It would seem your efforts are futile.” Groaning rubber echoes across the courtyard as Lord Marth swells bigger and bigger. Other of Lord Marth’s servant vampires pour into the courtyard and he moans with pressure and stretches bigger. His groaning body swells closer to the walls and a he gasps as two of the visiting vampires attempt to bite into his taught curved surface. His gasps with every time they attempt to bite and grunts when they finally succeed. He feels a strange sensation of tiny amounts of pressure flowing out through the bites and he swallows as he continues to swell. He calls to his servants, “Kill her!” The vampires move toward her direction, but Tryth slips out of the castle before they can get to her. The rubber groaning grows louder and the servants turn back to see their Lord swelling higher than the castle walls. They see the two guest vampire’s bloating with blood as they feed on their swelling Lord and they await patently for further instruction, but Lord Marth just moans in his own world as the intense pressure and stretching over powers his mind.

Soon, loud shrieks of rubber sound as Lord Marth’s swelling blimp form squeezes the two sphere shaped, feeding, vampires into the wall. The pressure mounts as they continue to feed and Lord Marth’s swelling body squeezes them into the wall. Stretch marks spread across the vampire Lord’s taught body, pain enters into Lord Marth’s mind, and a loud bang sounds as one of the feeding vampires bursts into a sea of blood. Lord Marth feels a slightly more room to grow as the rest of his blimping body squishes the servants and pushes into the castle walls. The feeding vampire stops feeding and screams for mercy, but no one can hear over the shrieks of rubber. A bang sounds as the sphere vampire bursts into a sea of blood and Lord Marth pushes into the castle’s walls. He moans as the pressure builds and the castle’s walls trap him. The walls crack and his swelling form begins to swell over the walls. He screams loudly as tiny splits form in his skin and streams of blood fountain out. A deafening, thunderous, boom sounds and Lord Marth is gone.

Saylee and Veronica watch with the other vampire and his companion as a river of blood flows out of the castle’s gate towards them. Saylee and the other vampire begin drinking from the river of blood as it flows to their feet and she senses Veronica tense, but doesn’t have time to ask what’s wrong because she soon feels the tip of a wood stake at her throat. She pauses as a small amount of fear fills her, closes her eyes, and Tryth’s voice growls, “Vampire……….I should dust you. I lost a friend in there, but you did help me. I’ll leave you be this time, but in the future I may not be so merciful.”

Saylee feels the stake disappear from her neck and slowly she opens her eyes and she looks around for Tryth, but she doesn’t see any sign of her. Slowly she rises to her feet, wipes at the blood on her lips, and feels Veronica wrap around her. She sighs as she looks up at the sky and doesn’t know what the future may hold, but is glad to still be in Veronica’s arms and able to see the sky.

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