Tangled - Berry in a Tower (Comic 4 of 4)
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Flynn looks up to see a ginormous blue ball with the face of an aroused blue face girl staring right back at him. Behind her there's a pile of ripped up clothes and a few laces from the corset, her underwear managed to stay intact somehow.
Oh my...
Flynn said while trying to collect his thoughts, over such a sight.
Ple-lease... help me...
Rapunzel asked, she felt embarassed to be topless infront of a complete stranger, but also to be inflated to such a degree. Her body was still growing as the juice fills her body throughout, showing no signs of slowing down.
Please... before I.. burst!
Rapunzel pleaded this stranger to do something, but Flynn looks back with confusion and horror.
What do I do?! I've never seen anything like this!
Squeeze me! Please!
Flynn acts quickly deciding on rolling the princess by a wall, hoping to push her againist it will juice her. To some extent it does work and juice flows through her bare nipples, some relief has fallen onto Rapunzel as this happens.
Okay I'm going crazy, that looks like blue milk squirting from your nipples.
He takes his hand onto one of her nipples and inspects the stuff coming out.
Smells funny... like blueberries... tastes exactly like...
Flynn puts two and two together and figures out what's happened to her, she's become a human blueberry.
More... more, please juice me dry..
Rapunzel cries out in arousal, Flynn is taken to this and begins to push into Rapunzel harder than before. Gallons of juice flood from her nipples and her underwear starts to look damp with blue juice. Flynn shifts his mouth to one of her nipples and sucks onto it, Rapunzel bites her lip in ecstasy rocking her head back and forth. He pulls her down to his lips as he kisses Rapunzel.
Both Rapunzel and Flynn start looking into take this to the next level when...
Rapunzel! I'm home!
Mother Gothel shouts from the base of the tower, alarming Rapunzel.
Let down your hair sweetheart, mommy loves you!
Panic fills Flynn's eyes as Rapunzel still remains a blueberry.
It's okay, just toss down my hair and hide in the closet! I'll be fine!
She told Flynn, who did exactly that.
(A few minutes later..)
Flower! What happened?! You're so fat! And blue! And wet... have you been poking around in my stuff again?
Rapunzel looked down at her own huge blue stomach in embarrassment.
Sorry Mother... I just-
I don't want to hear it! Now where's that broomstick?
Flynn thought to himself evesdropping on the conversation
Broomstick? What's she going to do with that? Is she a witch or something?
Ah-hah! Here it is!
Mother Gothel said in delight looking over to the confused Rapunzel.
How's that relevant to my current state?
Rapunzel curiously asked.
Well how else am I going to juice you?
As Mother Gothel approached Rapunzel with the broom in hand, delight grows in Mother Gothel's eyes like she's going to enjoy this.
(The End)