Who all is attending Sizecon?

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Who all is attending Sizecon?

I'm curious because I've heard mixed reveiws from this community, both from inflatechan and this site. At the moment, I'm the only person I know who is going. Figured it would be as good as any to establish contact with others in the community who are going so we could have a familiar face to see when we arrive.

I know this forum has seen its fair share of Sizecon related threads, but none really feel appropriate for me to post this question. That said, I'm available to message at any time. Hope we're getting more than a few con goers. Thanks for reading.

In my Utopia there will be helium, lots of helium

Fairia's picture

I'm really wishing I could go, but finding a way to get there in even harder than saving/having the money for it. I don't live that close to the city, I don't drive (not even near a bus station) or friends I know to help with driving.


I'm going!!!


Excellent! As far as I know, you're the only one beyond myself that I know is going from the inflation community. We're going to be representing haha.

In my Utopia there will be helium, lots of helium

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

I'd love to go and help represent us, but right now it's financially unrealistic in my life at the moment. I do hope that others can go and perhaps down the line I might be lucky to as well

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


The SizeCon website now has the venue set, for those of you who may have been postponing travel plans until more information came in. Looks like it's going to be a really nice location, although you can't tell it from the Google street view:)


Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

I yearn for those fellas that work the google street view car.

Boss: "How'd the shooting go today John? "
John: "We covered five avenues today."
Boss: "Outstanding John. We'll be finished ahead of schedule at this rate." 

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


I wish I can go but sadly no way in getting there. Let me know when you guys travel down to Florida then I will be there. 


If I didnt have tests during the event I would... -.-


BustArtist just confirmed he will be attending. It will be great to have such an expansion luminary attending the con. For you younger folks who don't know, BustArtist was producing high quality content back when you had to wait 5 minutes to download a picture on a message board.


He is also on Deviant Art where you can get lots of free sample content.



Not me


Our model, Koa has just let me know she can attend SizeCon. If you're a fan, this will be a rare opportunity, and I hope you can make the Con and meet her in person.


Koa belly inflation


That clip just recently came out, but you actually filmed it back in 2015? How big is your back log haha.


TMC has kind of a weird system for editing and distribution. Sometimes a new clip gets edited in a week and others languish for months.


Hey guys who are going - good luck!

I can't say sex is everything, and I can't say inflation is worth spreading as a fetish, but I surely can say it's funny enough and innocent/harmless enough to have fun with.

And this event - SizeCon is definitely in the same line with Inflation exhibit appearing, and inflation being noticed in several recent games and services, not to mention products like "Plumpify Blast Pro".

Public attention goes in waves, which come and go. SizeCon organizers smelled the wave. I wish you to ride it well with them and get all the positive attention and it's fruits, while avoiding the negative ones.

Good luck and have fun!


I'm guessing no, but does anyone know if there will be any male inflation of any kind at the event?


accidentally posted twice 

85nobdss (not verified)

Hundreds of dollars to get to New York and hundreds more dollars to stay at a hotel for two nights? I don't know if it's worth it. Have fun if you go.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

I think most cons cost that to go to if it's not local. I think it'd be worth it, but it's a matter of being in a financially able-to position to justify the cost that does me in.
(I'm trying to save for a new house as my rent goes up by the end of the year, so that's what has me hooped.) 

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

85nobdss (not verified)

Oh. Okay. What "wasn't worth it" for me wasn't that I didn't want to go, it was that I didn't have enough money to. Personally, my situation is... I don't have enough money : D.


I will be going offline for the most part from now through the Monday after SizeCon. If anyone has any questions or needs help with the Con, email me at: maxgrowthproductions@gmail.com (that is the only thing I will be checking daily).

Hope to meet some of you in person!