A few questions about inflatable suits

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A few questions about inflatable suits

I got my inflatable ball suit in today from Squeaklatex. Haven't had the time to try it on yet, but I am free enough tomorrow to have a little fun in it. I have a couple of questions for anyone that knows a thing or two about inflatable suits. I was wondering what kind of soap I should use to clean the suit with, and if wearing clothes under the suit would be any substitution at all for lubricant, or if I should use both. Mainly asking for the clothes; I can deal with lubing them if I have to, and my skin is a little oily so I worry about my natural skin oils damaging the suit. And how do you deal with tears or any rotting spots in the suit? How would I go about patching something like that?

Thanks for any advice, guys.


From a latex fan (of the inflatable and non-inflatable kind)...

1.  Wash with some mild shampoo

2.   Dry (I just let mine drip dry)

3.  Use latex shine (vivashine, etc.) or baby powder before storing.

The suit shouldn't "rot".  Latex is pretty durable as long as you take reasonable care of it.

I wear a zentai type spandex suit under inflatable latex because I tend to sweat more...at least as opposed to non-inflatable. 

also, I'd suggest removing all of the air from the suit shortly after you're done using it. If warm air condensates inside the suit and that moisture remains, then you may have problems in the long term.