Inflatable Suits

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Inflatable Suits

hey guys

my bf and i are searching for a nice inflatable latex suit. it should be shaped like an animal and inflate really big and round... any ideas where to get something like that?


All4him's picture

Squeaklatex! They are a bit pricey but I've heard they are good.


Keep on biggering!

All4him's picture



Keep on biggering!

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Yeah gotta agree with All4him here. Squeak Latex is a bit more than other latex inflatable manufacturers, but the quality is always top notch.

On that note, stay away from latex catfish! I haven't gotten anything from them myself, but I've heard that their quality is quite bad, so you get what you pay for. 

Was there a specific style you're looking for? 

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


i've already heard of squeaklatex... and we both find them very attractive but the problem is that we can't afford them (students without jobs) and that we are not be able to decide which one of them we should buy (the ones in the shape that would please us don't inflate as much as we want it to) and we are afraid that the price increases if we order to much specials

so... i hope they will make their suits also in a few years when actually can buy one

and yea i also think that catfish's are not good... squeaklatex really seems to be right address

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Yeah the issue isn't that they charge too much, it's that latex in that large of amounts is actually really expensive. While I wish that you guys could get a suit, and I really mean that because I LOVE these suits, it would be wise to hold off until you're more financially stable.

I can't say I've gotten anything from catfish, but everyone I know has said they're either alright, or terrible with inflatables.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)