Poll time #18! What type of character do you enjoy inflations most from?

Humans: Men, Women, can be anyone as long as they are physically human, or drawn with full human characteristics
66% (40 votes)
Anthro: Anthropomorphized animals, either drawn or physical (EG: Squeak Latex animal collection, pool toys, ETC...)
13% (8 votes)
Cartoon human: humans in any form of animation, whether traditional hand drawn or CGI (established show character)
10% (6 votes)
Cartoon animal: Can be anthropomorphized, but has to be an established animated character in an official show
5% (3 votes)
Latex only: Only interested in seeing generic latex or similar inflatable suits blow up or be the main focus
2% (1 vote)
Other (please state below)
5% (3 votes)
Total votes: 61
Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

It’s been a little while since I did one of these so I figured I’d bring up a new one as a thought came across my mind. I don't actually browse a lot of content but it came to my mind that I actually liked one much more than the other.

So starting off I chose Anthro. I don't classify myself as a furry, but normal human inflation just does absolutely nothing for me. I guess perhaps because I haven't found anything realistic, but it's never looked good to me, just...strange. Unless it's an IRL belly inflation, then I'll love it. Now, it could be that when I was back in grade 8 or so first discovering my fetish, most if not all of the artwork I saw was antrho, and because I wasn't at that 'just past the age of cartoons' part of growing up, I got to see characters I liked inflated and then found an appeal in anthros, having both the traits of humans, but the appealing traits of animals as well (I love animals anyways so it just furthered that I suppose). 

What are your guys favourite type of inflation subject? Leave 'em below and get talking!

It’s been a little while since I did one of these so I figured I’d bring up a new one

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

firnov's picture

Good idea. I always like a good question at the time.

Normal human inflation and female only fits me the best. I see drawn/cartoon more as a insperation for a idea, not the real thing. But i still like the art

I like morphed photo's the most. Because it can look inflated to the extreem, but still like its realistic.


And boom goes the inflatee

Fleetingsanity's picture

I went other mostly because I'm game for humans and cartoon humans. Plus some human like things like Asari and the such.

Falcon Pawnch!