How secretive are you about your fetish?

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CobaltSnake's picture
How secretive are you about your fetish?

   Exactly what the title implies. How secretive are you about the fetish?

   I've kept it secret to the point where only one person kinda knows about it.I pretty much made sure that for my whole life, nobody else should know about the fetish that I consider one of my hobbies.That just makes me feel weird.

   I came here to ask for some advice, too. If you aren't secretive about it, when did you reveal it to your friends/family? Can you give me advice if I should/shouldn't talk about this to anybody? Thanks.

I think I've had too much...

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Nobody, I repeat, nobody knows about the fact that I have this fetish. My other fetishes (bondage, monstergirls) I've hinted at with jokes, But I feel that this one is a little too out there for me to tell anyone about it.

Hell, I've even made fun of this kink to ensure nobody knows.

I am a young girl with a deep dark secret.

coming this summer to HBO.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Oh and also, Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy your stay, Love!

<3’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


My approach to it is kind of "don't ask, don't tell".  I deliberately use the same username on here as elsewhere online so that people who want to or are curious can make the connection, but on the whole, sexual preferences aren't the kind of thing which come up in casual conversation with people.  Assorted therapists and professionals associated with my transition know, and close friends and sexual partners past and present know.  I came to the conclusion many years ago that if I felt the urge to tell someone, it was because I fancied them subconsciously and it wouldn't clearly communicate that message to them, so now I don't tell people.  It's possible I'll be more forthcoming in future.


Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

I don't really tell about it, but I don't really hide it either. If someone was to ask then I'd say, but if nobody is asking then it isn't right to try and tell someone who doesn't want to know. That's a little wrong if you ask me.

In total, I have one close friend who knows (really nice and open guy) and I'm not sure if any of my other close friends know. I have a couple friends I've chatted with that know I have it also, but they're online friends that I haven't got the chance to formally meet IRL yet.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


I'm highly secretive, I think. My past few partners have known about my BE and belly inflation kinks, because they've broached the subject of kink. My latest partner was relieved actually; the way she saw it, at least I didn't get off on hurting women. That's all for people who know for certain, just three people outside of myself on the face of the planet.

I've got other kinky and kink-sympathetic friends. Sometimes we'll be having discussions on obscure paraphilias. The closest I get is mentioning that I've got some weird harmless ones, and that they aren't anything resembling BDSM, animal/anthro play, age play, or genderfuckery. It does keep them guessing, and no one's ever asked outright what I mean.

Finally, while I do have a Fetlife profile, I keep identifying information to a minimum. I don't have photos of myself, mention my occupation (which is actually categorized into its own fetish, and might be a boon if I did have it plastered up there? more than 110K people are into it, looks like), or friend anyone I personally know who has a profile there.

The way I see it, my sexuality is Mine. I set the boundaries on what I want to share with people, even down to the knowledge that I have kinks at all. I find my approach empowering, and I kinda wish other people dealt with their sexuality the same way. I tend to have a low opinion of folks who happily blunder their way through other people's boundaries while being wrapped up in their own kinks (frotteurists, certain varieties of exhibitionists and voyuerists, et cetera). The downside is that if you're not sharing your kinks willy-nilly, then the likelihood that you'll meet someone similar drops like a rock.

airtankgirl5's picture

I've told I think four or five people about it, people that I wanted to share it with usually and play with them with it.  One was total failure, one was indifferent, at least two were very enthuisatic, which really made up for a lot of the earlier failures :).

It is nice to speak of it to someone, and its nicer to play with that someone.  I see it as an intimate detail so I only share it with people I want to be intimate with.  Anyone else, I limit myself to "oh I have a kink, a BIG kink, and no Im not going to talk about it."


firnov's picture

The only one who knows it is my ex-girlfriend. 

I think this thing is just a bed-room secret. Its a thing you only tell to your people in your sexual cirkel. Its not like all the people on the world have to know it.

A tip for a good relation, just be honnest about this part. Dont force your girlfriend/boyfriend in to it. And ceep it fun, dont hate yourself because of a fetish

And boom goes the inflatee


a good number of reasonably close friends know about it with only one of them thinking it's terrribly freaky. my girlfriend approves as she can have fun teasing me with it. 

Sergy92's picture

Way too secretive. Nobody in my offline life knows about it. They don't even know I have a deviantArt page to begin with!

Pennsylvania Ki...
Pennsylvania Kite Weather's picture

I hope to God that if I ever somehow become a published author someday, no one will be able to identify my writing style within this genre. I know I'm that paranoid about it. I think even in relationships I'll have down the line it'll take a while to open up about it.


I've never told a soul about my inflation fetish. I think that's mostly because it developed long before the Internet and its open sharing came into being. I was well on my way in relationships, keeping my "weird" ideas to myself because I had no idea that anybody else had ever dreamed it up! I was already married to a wonderful partner when I first discovered inflation on the WWW. I've been lurking since forever, although I did post a few stories on the Overflowing Bra site, way back, and I was surprised and honored to find they turned up here.

This identity is totally separate from my real self and any other online identity I keep. It's probably not too late to "come out" but it's not the time for it, either. I think I would have loved for there to be more awareness of this fun little fetish when I was dating and been able to share it with someone, but I'm OK with how things are. At least I have enough time for now to de-lurk and maybe even share a little more writing. Always have ideas in the back of my head! :)


Same as most here:

 * By now I think all my friends know that i'm fascinated with balloons - and I'm not alone in that fascination. Many people like balloons, many more (mostly ladies) describe their daily feelings as overfilling, blowing up and blowing apart

 * "Fetish" means private life so I don't really get the chance to discuss that. Why would I? If I would, why would anyone be interested to listen?

 * "RPing" - if you mean really playing a sexual role-play, with the intent to become aroused - that Maria and I do only inside our family, many sincere apologies to all who asked and was given a no. I can exchange silly phrases though, or run RPGs


I mention it to people, but never refer to it as a fetish.

It might have some elements with sexual energy to me, like women's beauty and that domination feeling, but I admire it at a much deeper and artistic level.

Lately, whenever somebody in an environment of personal growth asks me about my goal in life, I reply that I "want to create products that involve some character getting inflated as a balloon, as happens in cartoons". And then I add "specially women".

Might sound a little weird(and feels too), but luckily it is kind of accepted that artists be a little weird. By instance, how some people think Ren and Stimpy is a weird cartoon.

I don't want my stuff being aimed only at the inflation community, but the WHOLE WORLD!!

If I kept it only for myself, it would be really hard and close to impossible to create the kind of material that is achieved by a team. How many people was needed to make the movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"? How many people was needed to create the Super Mario Bros series of videogames, making the music, advertising the products, making the games evolve?
I don't have a team yet but that's what I want to end up doing.

Want to create a perfect inflation live action scene(as part of something that reaches big success) and a perfect 8 bit videogame.

I Think the perfect inflation scene and perfect video game have been achieved. The scene being in the movie "The Naked Gun 2 & 1/2", and the game being "Dig Dug".
They are part of a successful series. They are male inflations though, and I need to create some kind of female equivalents that make sense(since making a reenactment with identical situations probably wouldn't work). After achieving that, I could happily retire. But for reaching that point I will need a lot of experimentation. By instance, I feel none of my works reach perfection. I enjoy many of them though.
Just need to tell people that seeing a character inflate is my biggest passion, and that's why I experiment so much with it. Can't hide.

Probably my material won't need to have a label on it reading "body inflation material". Like neither "Dig Dug" nor "The Naked Gun 2 & 1/2" do either. They will just contain the scene or the gameplay. Some products with women protagonists not blowing up might be inbetween too.
When inflation is actually present, doing a little advertising on this site would help rising the sales ;-)

Gosh, kind of digressing, but still related to how secretive I intend to be about Inflation when talking to people

firnov's picture

Your right. Sometimes a little (inflation) joke can do the trick. Its fun for both, but special for the one with the BIF.

I joke sometimes about it. And nobody find out its some deep special fantasy of me.

And boom goes the inflatee


One of my ex-girlfriends knows that, my current girlfriend and one of my friends I am not shy to talk about various erotic stuff with him (and he neither). And there are more friends that can be a little bit suspicious. I don't talk about it openly yet I cannot give some indications a miss when it comes to some jokes or lewd situations... Now I mean the broad definition of the inflation fetish as e.g. balloons, stories, pictures, fantasies etc. - but only the three persons I named above know about the self-inflating "level" of this passion but they are not impressed, they would call me a perv anyway :-).

MixMaster (not verified)

I have a few friends that know about it and I've told a few women that I've dated about it, so I don't suppose I'm too terribly secretive about it, but I don't neccesarily go blathering on about it just anyone. Usually some sort of trust has to be developed for me to talk about it, though I've gone on a few blind dates that I mentioned it to since they asked. None really disasterous, but nothing really positive came about from it either.


On a blind date, honestly said, nothing would be that great than hearing "Whoa, mee too!" :-D


no body at all.

Honestly, privacy is one of the rarest things in the world today and you should utilize it. With the way information moves around the world today between people, you will more likely over share information about your private life and regret it before you under share, so I say practice restraint. When it comes to relationships, I have never felt the urge to share my fetish until I was in something more serious, like after several months at the minimum. Mainly because that gives me enough time to know if the girl I'm with is trustworthy and or respectful of my tastes. 
Outside the bedroom, it's really no ones business and no one is asking, aside from these forums. Personally, I don't want to know a thing about anyone's sex life or fetish life unless they are my partner or if I'm looking for some advice once in awhile from forums like this one. I like privacy because I don't want my friends joking with me about it when I see something that triggers my fetish, I prefer enjoying a moment on my own when something pops up in public.  Unless shouting out your fetish to the world and getting excited at their reactions (good or bad) is your thing, you shouldn't tell anyone but sex partners in my learned opinion. 
Whenever I have opened up to someone the following criteria is usually met: 
1) They have been a sexual partner for some time
2) They respect me/ value the relationship
3) We are in a intimate/private setting where we are both openly discussing sex and preferences and they are genuinely interested in learning about what I like.
4) We both agree to honor and respect each others openness and never use it in a hurtful way. 
Sounds like that might be pretty hard to do, but it actually isn't if you're patient and for me it has lead to fantastic results where I not only get to express myself so I can get what I want, but I learn about all the kinky stuff my partner is into as well so she can feel fulfilled. 
No matter what precautions are taken, there will always be someone that just can't handle this fetish, the exact same way I absolutely have not been able to participate in certain fetishes my partners have had. That's a fact of life and it can lead to a parting of ways, but that's that. 
TL;DR: Be as private as you feel comfortable being, tell only sexual partners and LISTEN to their needs as well, open up in a setting that is safe and appropriate. 
Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Wow that moment when you're the most secretive person in a thread holy shit.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

AirPump's picture

I think it's all a matter of perspective and what you mean by "secretive." Like I've said, I don't actively go around telling everyone I know about it, so in that sense I'm incredibly secretive. I take percautions not to expose myself to others, and will make up stories about my whereabouts, but that's only because I don't believe others need/want to know what I'm really up to. Even if they did, only those close enough to me deserve the privaledge of knowing. That makes me pretty secretive.

At the same time, if you're already in on it, I'll share whatever you ask of me. My experience is an open book. In that case, I'm not secretive at all. It's all just a matter of perspective.

Fill 'er up!


Margaret, actually, you've been opened way enough in other threads, so it doesn't count! :-D


Wow that moment when you're the most secretive person in a thread holy shit.

If we're having a competition on being hush-hush, I think the lurkers have already won in a default victory. :P

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture


well, guess i have other things to brag about on this forum.


willing to assume none of you know who mgmt is so hah there i did a victory :))))))’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

MixMaster (not verified)

Dang, you have a point there. 

SpryCarrion's picture




I have only told my closest online friend.  He told me his secret fetish and I figured I might aswell tell him mine.  He also lives in a different country than me, so I don't see him in real life, which helps not caring that he knows since he cant contact anyone I know.