Alright, here's my quick little rant.

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asapisaiah's picture
Alright, here's my quick little rant.

So maybe I can get a little bit of my orneriness and angst out real quick, but how do I seem to keep coming across people having issues with the apparent quote unquote "lack of m/f content" on the internet? Am I just crazy or is it extremely ironic? Being a gay male in this world, it seems that I have to search extra special hard to find quality m/m content, and avoiding the "undesirable" content (simply as a matter of just disliking certain kinks). When it comes down to it, having people ranting about heterosexual content being at a lack frustrates me to no end when I search for stuff and end up finding m/f or f/f pairings, even by artists who draw the gay stuff, y'know? I'm sorry if I end up sounding stuck up or whiny, I simply would like to state my opinion and see what others might have to input!

asapisaiah's picture

Oops, sorry about the triple post. Getting ahead of myself with post errors and whatnot. Clean up in aisle 3!


Agreed! There is LOTS of M/F or F/F stuff out there, however I've come to accept that M/M stuff is limited since we're a minority among the niche of body inflation related content. There is stuff but you do need to search a little harder. 

Deviant Art has some content that I beleive you'd appriciate as i've come to find. 

Blue_Eyes's picture

Hetero outnumbes Homo, therefore you're naturally going to get more content leaning towards that audience.

Same goes with any type of porn/fetish/population genre. Should have been fairly obvious no?

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

AirPump's picture

I don't have trouble, myself. However, it seems to me that the solution would be for us to all swap searching techniques. If you're looking for m/f content, and all you can find is m/m content, just find someone with the oposite problem and exchange searches. That's what I'd do anyway.

Fill 'er up!

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Don't worry about the multipost, The Clooney has been fired.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity