Alright, here's my quick little rant.

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asapisaiah's picture
Alright, here's my quick little rant.

So maybe I can get a little bit of my orneriness and angst out real quick, but how do I seem to keep coming across people having issues with the apparent quote unquote "lack of m/f content" on the internet? Am I just crazy or is it extremely ironic? Being a gay male in this world, it seems that I have to search extra special hard to find quality m/m content, and avoiding the "undesirable" content (simply as a matter of just disliking certain kinks). When it comes down to it, having people ranting about heterosexual content being at a lack frustrates me to no end when I search for stuff and end up finding m/f or f/f pairings, even by artists who draw the gay stuff, y'know? I'm sorry if I end up sounding stuck up or whiny, I simply would like to state my opinion and see what others might have to input!

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

cloon’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity