Does Habeas Corpus apply to people inflated like balloons?

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25% (3 votes)
Total votes: 12
AirPump's picture

If I'm not mistaken, habeas corpus, in US law refers to the act of moving a trial or other legal proceeding to a location of neutral intrest to all parties involved for the sake of impartiality.

Since I'm not a lawyer, I have no idea what the actual wording is, and I'm sure someone will correct me where I'm wrong.

Anyway, I'm almost certain this would apply to any case, regardless of whether or not inflation is involved.

Fill 'er up!


What does this have to do with inflation?

I'm mean. 


There's a minor technicality - Habeas Corpus translates from Latin literally as "you have to have a body"

I'm just curious what's your opinion - what a court can do for taut balloons bereft of flesh ^_^

LutherVKane's picture

It's actually an interesting question from the standpoint of a fiction writer, but probably not for the reasons you think. Your understanding of habeas corpus is incorrect.

Habeas Corpus in the United States

In short, habeas corpus is the right for people being held prisoner by the government to challenge the legality of their detention. If you're operating in a world wher inflation is normal, then inflation is probably irrelevant to the issue of habeas corpus. But in other scenarios, this might not be the case.

For example, in the world of my Conspiracy stories, incidents of body inflation are covered up. This means inflated people are detained for treatment and kept out of sight until they've deflated to a reasonable size. Most of the time they don't mind. But even if they did, they wouldn't be allowed to leave. The government doesn't want the public to know that such things are possible. This is a clear violation of habeas corpus, but inflatees typicallly aren't in a position to protest in any meaningful way.


AirPump's picture

I see, that's completely different. What on earth was I thinking of?

Fill 'er up!

Blue_Eyes's picture

Stop making threads when you are drunk.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.


I wasn't drank, Miss ^_^ Just thought about something funny and decided sharing it ^_^

May I ask why "drank" - not "on drugs", "smoking" or anything else? Do you have that specific problem?