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The link https://yadi.sk/d/4FLX02gTz2qEz


Hello all! ^_^

Humby presenting an early alpha of a very little game. No goal yet - they all just inflate


Premise is based on one of the childish fantasies of mine - two teams compare volumes. And of course if someone can't carry the burden - it's distributed between more capable teammates. They are literally one for all and all for one. Game objective will appear later, for now - they all just inflate

Graphics is horrible - i'm not an artist. Sorry!

On a sentimental note, it was one of the first things i've programmed in school, on a computer with 2 kilobytes of RAM and no means to record a program so I just typed it in each time before playing (life in USSR was hard). And today morning I just thought of blowing the dust off a three decades old idea ^_^


How to play:

pick a mode and enjoy the show.

 - Arena: what spectators actually see (athletes who slip leave competition, deflate and rest outside the field)

 - TV: how it is shown on TV (out of competition - out of the show)

 - Big screen: how it is shown on stadium's big screen (a slip is substituted by computer graphics - cartoonish KABOOM ^_^ )


How to change:

just substitute my crappy graphics with inflation progression of your choice


Enjoy! ^_^


Aand here's a final version for now. 

Take out opposing teams in one-to-one inflation matches. One for all, and all for one!

Let's see to which round you'll climb ^_^

how2play: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTd7myUz418


Looks pretty neat. Good to see you sharing games, my recent attempts at coding are just serving to remind me how impenetrable I find it.


thanks, and i can say the same about graphics!

so whoever will draw inflation sequences for this game will have a bonus highfive should we meet, and program changed to make the most of their graphics ^_^

(only dressed inflation please)


minor edit: added a tune. Changed files - executable and "music.mp3". Apologies! ^_^


after numerous bugfixes the first version of the game is finally playable

Enjoy ^_^


Aaand version two: https://yadi.sk/d/6Gi42O_WzUyQU

Now your opponents also have a voice, with whom in your team they want to compete - so watch out! 

First few rounds are a cakewalk, but then you might start loosing players.

Luckily, now you can train your team and keep them up to the challenge

Enjoy! ^_^


Stupid question, How do I download and play?


Certainly a valid question! 

The download link is above. On how to play - there's a video above with the most basic controls and read.me with full instructions

Enjoy! ^_^

LutherVKane's picture

Made it to round 26 :)


that's a great job, especially if it was the very first try or one of the first tries!

i'm not saying that's the limit though ^_^


Great game. I've had lots of fun playing the game.


thanks a lot! ^_^ i'm considering making it a mini-game within IF


A minor update on Plumbing - added a bunch of things, including bursting sequence inspired by Inflation in a Game thread


Also, would you like a very basic platformer? Something in the lines that you run and pump everybody till they pop. Very, very basic. I'm not sure if there's merit - you have Fast Food Rampage ^_^ Maybe it's best to skip platformer, keep drawing and produce battle of two parties on a grid sooner?


And one not so good news. From how drawing is going I already see that I won't have time for IA. Basically, there will be various mini-games, as many as I'll manage to make with the sprites I draw now. I simply won't have time to gather them into a quest editor. BUT (there's always a good side in all things) I'll leave a whole lot of sprites that any of you can use in Game Maker and whatnot. Graphics takes most time, you know - so it will be a huge advantage, should you want to make an inflation game some day ^_^


actually, never mind. cancelled due to redundancy


thank you all, for your tolerance, when i was starting like five threads a day or commented on a dozen or wrote a page wall of text

for your kindness when i attempted to campaign for KS here - there was none, not a single one negative comment whatsoever

for your help, advice, voice acting, sharing references, testing, writing we did together!

i bow in grace ^_^


Thinking of my precious self - it was all fun! Interacting with you, doing things for you, and enjoying it.

Nothing was too hard - it was okay. But if I'd pick the hardest part - it was to accept that i'm indie, and not just indie but a single dev. Autumn Kickstarter was the most recent attempt to hire an artist, I spent half of these 2.5 years trying to find an artist and mostly planned and tested concepts without polishing anything in hopes of finally starting the real team development.

Certainly that resulted in a gap between plans for an artist I was looking for and reality that there's nobody to draw it except myself after work ^_^ That was probably confusing for you - apologies! ^_^ I'll keep that in mind in the future

Till next time ^_^