If i would inflate a inflatee with helium she will float belly up (because the helium gets stuck in her belly, exept if it would be an other type of inflation)
I think she cant control herself. A simple balloon floats on the way of the wind, not its own.
If it most be contolebly it need to have engines like and air vins like the airships in ww1. And a inflated person is to smal to take of with that kind of stuff on her body ( because i thinks she pops before she can get the size of a airship).
Meby its a fun fact to. But as she flies to high she pops because the outside pressure is lower as on the ground. A lovely thought.... the rain of clothes and ripped skin.
A really refreshing poll by the way lopni!
1. Like Balloonas. You fly solemnly as you stand on the ground - with your feet closest to the ground and your vertex in zenith.
Reference frame is like for a hot air balloon, with X pointing forward, Y from left to right and Z pointing down. You don't control where you fly and if air plays with you - you helplessly tumble in the air
2. Like Airtankgirl. You fly where you look
Reference frame is like for an airplane or a superhero(ine), with X going through your body from toes to eyes and forward where you fly, Z pointing from navel and down. Roll-pitch-yaw are more intuitive because when you need to change direction - you just turn there
3. Other?