What kind of film genre do you prefer a female character to fully inflate in and who would be the actress?

5% (1 vote)
16% (3 votes)
11% (2 votes)
37% (7 votes)
Family film
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11% (2 votes)
21% (4 votes)
Total votes: 19
Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Anime is the most liberal medium for this sort of thing. Besides, It's a common trope and has happened a lot before.

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


nothing sensible comes to mind, read at your own risk ^_^


Social drama? Protagonist (P) inflates SO of his/her dreams, who is then stuck like that for life. Then they spend a life discussing how SO can't do anything while P has to pay the bills. Then neighbours tired of loud debates overinflate and pop SO. P pops him/herself in grief. Neighbours get back to sleep like never before. Happy end ^_^

Blockbuster? Starts the same, then SO decides to fly away from P. SO floats high into the sky and meets balloon people in sky city. Balloon people plot to inflate everyone on the ground, SO learns of the plot and informs P and former neighbours who organize a Rebellion that threatens to pop sky city itself. Balloon people quiet down, SO returns to P and they live happily ever after

Sci-fi? Starts the same, only there is Inflation Olympics-like gym in sky city, and the movie concentrates on it. Also, CV has a drawing where balloon people teleport and control gravity so it could be set in Space

firnov's picture

Horror-comedy..... i love it dark but funny.

And boom goes the inflatee