Has anybody ever had a dream where a friend or family member was inflating? If so how did the dream go?
Inflating loved ones in dreams?
I'm with Yonder. I'm a no on the grounds that I don't associate family with sexual fetishes. I'm fully aware there are individuals out there who are into incest, and I pass no judgement on them, but I am not one of them. If I ever witnessed one of my family members inflating, I'd either be horrified or I'd respectfully give them their alone-time.
i've had dreams about crushes inflating. but eww not family members.. thats just plain wrong in my mind. that would never happen in any of my dreams.
Don't remember having a dream like that. But reminded something I drew when I was 8.
In third grade, I made a sequence of two images for school. In the first image, I drew my mom pregnant, with a huge belly. In the second one, she was holding me in her hands, but I looked like one-tenth of the size of her belly in the previous drawing.
I still have it.
I think many people here are seeing this too "black and white". Like inflation is 100% sexual or 0%. How about inspirational stuff or interesting stuff with a varied amount of percentage? Also, keep in mind the Original Poster was focusing in if you had a dream like that, not in if you enjoyed it sexually.
I for one am fully aware that inflation isn't a sexual thing for some, and may have varying degrees of sexuality across the board. I welcome the viewpoints of those individuals, but as someone who does derive sexual arousal from inflation, my stance towards the topic at hand is one of repulsion. Such dreams, that someone else may find amusing or arousing, would be nighmares to someone like me.
That's ok :)
Kind of an old topic, I know. I can't say I've done it with ny own family or anything. Like most have said, it's a bit off putting. However I do enjoy seeing it between another's mother/daughter or something. I do have kind of a weakness for it.
I missed an incest thread!? Goddammit! All the good shit happens when I'm not here! D:<
Hard to tell through text, if that's sarcasm or not lol. Just since I'm curious, do you actually like the idea? Would just be interesting, seeing as it puts most people off.
It was sarcasm. Contrary to popular belief, I do have standards.
I think actually if this did happen it would put me off the whole fetish.
back to OP "Has anybody ever had a dream where a friend or family member was inflating? If so how did the dream go?"
Dreaming like in lucid dreaming or like in imagining?
Family member - does a wife count? A husband, SO?
Personally, yes.
I like to pit in Arena, for example, university friends versus colleagues. And in Plumbing I gave names of close friends I'd like to see inflated to characters in my (still ongoing) party.
I once had a dream where my cousin became a blueberry and I fell asleep in her boobs...what can I say she's hot and she has big tits like HH cups
Admittly, that does sounda kinda nice. Likely because it's not my own cousin though lol
Nope. Thank God too since associating family with my sexual fetish would truely breach the limits of my acceptance of my fetish...