Im just intrested to see who thought they wanted to show others their fetish.
Are there any girls who thought about making an inflation video, but decided otherwise?
Wed, 04/05/2017 - 14:37
Are there any girls who thought about making an inflation video, but decided otherwise?
Wed, 04/05/2017 - 18:16
I swear, This was a topic from not too long ago..
And to be honest, Due to social anxiety, when I did inflate I never even considered it.
On a side note, I personally can't wait to see how this thread plays out.
Wed, 04/05/2017 - 23:50
I did use to upload my inflation/bloating videos.
That lasted until I got creeped/stalked by some random members of our or so great community. Ended with them trying to contact me/creep me by asking my friends/family on how to get in touch with me.
So now I don't do anything of the sort and have a deep seated hatred for about 95% of the community.
Sorry about the duplicate, please post on this one.