At least 2 references to inflation in mainstream book.

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At least 2 references to inflation in mainstream book.

I haven't really seen the movie so I can have an opinion, but the book "the room" has two ATLEAST clear references to body inflation. Anyone notice?

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Okay, So: 

I don't know this book at fucking all. When you say The room, I think of the Tommy Wiseu film. and could you maybe give us an example of these clear references?’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


The book is called "room" and is written by Emma Donoghue. It's a good book, if you've got some spare time I would recommend it. ANNNYWAYYY- the references:

(can't remember them word by word so these are very rough examples)

1- "I watch the T.V but nothing good is on, just some men in tight pants on the one channel and a woman exploding like a balloon on another"

2- "they said they are pumping ma's stomach, I didn't know they could do that to humans too, what if she pops?"