Banana and sprite

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Banana and sprite

Ok so I did some research and a small experiment. I got a 1.25 liter bottle of sprite and a bundle of five bananas. I ate four and chugged about half the bottle, I have two warnings. One,  very fruity. Two,  my small stomach almost didn't handle it. But all in all, it's satisfying. 

firnov's picture

So you did it? You popped yourself :p

Just joking. I know the stories that this combo makes you trowup. I dident know much about the inflation effect. 

How was it?

And boom goes the inflatee


It was fun, felt great. But in the long run a very unhappy belly. 

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Wait this works? I thought it was just a challenge on YouTube that makes you barf more than the channels that did the challenge.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


It's just a chemical reaction. It creates a foam like instantly. Gave me one hell a belly ache though lol 


It's just a chemical reaction. It creates a foam like instantly. Gave me one hell a belly ache though lol 

AirPump's picture

Indeed, it can have a chemical reaction and create substantial foaming. However, in the environment of the human stomach it is more likely to simply induce vomiting. While some like our friend here may not have such an adverse reaction, many others simply throw up as a result, leading to the many "comical" youtube videos.

I fall into the former category. My experience with this method resulted in substantial vomiting, and I have not dared to repeat it. Kudos if you're one of those who can handle it, but I for one am not inclined to do it again any time soon.

Fill 'er up!


I almost vomited. 


Strictly speaking it's probably more a physical reaction than a chemical one, like diet coke and mentoes.