I'm, uhh... well, I probably go by too many names online. Balloondra will work just fine here I guess. I'm a shy inflation artist, but an incredibly, er... furry one. So I'm sort of here to practice human drawing skills, and see what the "normal" inflation community is like, if this is normal, haha. Though, if you do want to see overinflated furries and living inflatables, my username on FurAffinity is also Balloondra.
So umm. I've known about the site for several years now, so I'm familiar with the stories here. They're nice. I should write a few myself. And before I go about polluting the forums with my opinions, may I get an introduction to the community, any expectations to be aware of (beyond the general "be polite, respectful, intelligent, etc.") as well as any taboos I might tread on? It can be through a private message too; I just don't want to make a bad impression. And I'm always willing to chat with anyone if they send me a message!
hello boys. welcome to body inflation