Darkburster1 Game -beta-

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Darkburster1 Game -beta-

Mortal kombat style mugen game download, my deviantart has tons of pics from the work in progress, and there's videos too on YouTube (search darkburster1)

game link is in the description you'll find it here: http://darkburster1.deviantart.com/art/DB1-MKP-Game-download-link-682135894

contains inflation fatalities, female mostly and some male inflation, bare bellies, popping etc. multiple methods too :) 

also special moves not just fatalities etc.

Misery loves company.


Gross messy popping looks artificial in our world, and it would look artificial in imaginary world where people inflate (and may pop) like balloons.

Your game is the thing that might receive the same perception in real world and in a fantasy. What if you're a messenger from that universe who is lost and is searching for a way home? ^_^

darkburster2's picture

Lopni, you should've just stopped at "gross".


i tried to share something that aside from bursting, contains ALOT of animated female inflation via different means. 


Ignore it if you don't like it, maybe some people do, maybe some people can ignore the gore and just enjoy the inflation.


pressing F4 resets the match and you don't even have to see any bursting/gore.


bursting is sometimes a part of inflation too, whether you like it or not. 


Judge me and my style  if you want, but I'm not gonna waste my time judging you.

Misery loves company.


There're many ideas about modding games in another thread. Darkburster1-2 has modded MK, and once he's done with it he might move on to those games. So if you'd like to see inflation in one of your favourite games, you might want to support him ^_^

darkburster2's picture

Sorry if I overeacted in my previous post, just got home from work and took it the wrong way, or too harshly. Idk, seemed like it had an undertone to it telling me I wasn't wanted here... 


(have no plans of working on games after this one)

Misery loves company.