Can inflation look bad?

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Can inflation look bad?

I think all of us, even if we happen to be men, hear from time to time how ladies comment each other's bad taste. Those mysterious phrases that blue shorts are horrible with long blonde hair for unspecified reason and such

Makes me wonder what comments about inflation being not in style would look like ^_^


"Ass inflation?  REALLY?  Everyone knows that full body is in for this season."  That and similar stuff (insert a particular variation here) is all I can think of.  


That or "Inflating with (insert substance)?   Really?  Everyone knows that (insert alternate substance) is in fashion this season."

Cosinusitis's picture

If it's female inflation it looks automatically bad, period.

On a more serious note, I've never found myself really attracted to any form of inflation other than belly or fullbody (and I'm even picky as fuck on the latter). Think head, hands, or other body parts, I don't know, I think it'd qualify as looking "bad". Not the ew bad, but the "not interesting" bad kind. The thing that doesn't make your donger tingle, yanno. I'd go like: "Hey, be more classic, go for the belly, dude!"

The rest I can get behind so long the guy looks like a guy and not some kind of "femboy sissy trap" BS, I like my guys as men. *pours salt all over the place*

So yeah, that's the kind of comments you'd hear from me!

My username is stupid.

Better known as Poqato on the art scene.

Blue_Eyes's picture

If it is male inflation, it is automatically bad/a waste of a scene, picture, etc.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

dedede77 (not verified)

As a gay man who has an inflation fetish only male inflation is good to me.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

If the artist has absolutely no idea what they're doing, Then yeah, It can look terrible.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

MixMaster (not verified)

Pretty much this

Any medium that its presented in, wether it be something like a story, film, drawing, or even things things more physical in nature like props or inflatable suits maintains the capacity to be abysmal, as much as it does amazing.


I strongly dislike breast inflation.  Pictures of it make my chest ache in sympathy.  Also I dislike inflated extremities.


NameTaken's picture

Whatever in the unholy hell this is supposed to be makes inflation look pretty bad.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

I no longer fear death. I welcome the cold grasp of the void, For it is nothing compared to the terror I've seen in this world.


Realtalk what the fuck’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


Yes, that's the kind of thing I mean but I do like puffed-out cheeks.  Inflated hands and feet with no body inflation is also gross, I think, but thankfully it's also rarely seen.


Machinequeen's picture

"Can inflation look bad"
Yeah its called my Deviantart Gallery!!
HAHAHAhahaha xD



