Sizecon Announcement

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Sizecon Announcement

Hey all, how's it going?

For all of you planning on going to Sizecon or maybe those on the fence, let me help change your mind ^_^

At this year's SizeCon, I will be unvieling an inflatable suit that I have in the works and will be giving demonstrations as to it's function as well as letting a few people try it on. 

That's all that that I have to say at this point, other than to hopefully see you there and you like what you see!

Thank you

blueberryjuicer's picture


shoot... take a few vids for those who dont go, but PLEASE go on, im interested. 

Berries are always sweet, no matter how sour they act, they'll always make the best juice.

Equation for juice filling: Volume/Quantity=[(Diameter*Circum

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Unless I can somehow grow to Shin Goji size and wreak horrifying nerd vengance on a cruel and uncaring world, Not going.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

flationable's picture

How about an Inflatable Kaiju costume and a gingerbread miniature scale replica of the world?

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

... Well, It's a start..’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

MixMaster (not verified)

Also, it may be of some interest to you, but I'm pretty sure that the giant/giantess people will have a green screen so that you could effectively try something like that :D

airtankgirl5's picture

Well, not with that attitude!


Still does sound amazing... very tempted to go myself!

mosherballoon's picture

Damn, hope they try one in the UK. I'd consider going with my home made suit, show people who can't afford the latex suits an alternative. Just wish I had the money and the time to go to the US.

Blue_Eyes's picture

Ugh...this again.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Why the negativity?

Btw Mix I'm going but most likely only for Saturday. Would you be showing off the suit both days?


I can't speak for blue eyes, but frankly people shouldn't be parading their sexual fetishes around for the whole world to see. People need to keep some things to themselves and or their significant others.

I'm mean. 


You can do exactly that while you keep your nose out of my business. Win-win.


How can I or anyone keep their nose out of your business if you shove it in their face?

I'm mean. 


Unless you turn up to Sizecon, no-one's shoving anything in your face, and even then they're likely respectful enough to only do so if you make it clear that's what you want.
This isn't a religious thing. 
No-one's evangelising inflation or demanding people convert to finding it interesting or erotic.  It's a bunch of people getting together because of their common kink.  
Can't abide that?  
Fine, don't go, but don't tell anyone else what they can and can't do with other consenting adults.  

Blue_Eyes's picture

Nobody said you can't go. We are just saying, everyone who goes is cringe worthy.

Also, I would be willing to put money down that they are the same people who keep wanting to get inflation out in the mainstream (Creating BS "Inflation Days", trying to make mascots, randomly messaging shows and whatnot) AKA making us all look bad.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

How insecure do you have to be that you belittle people that have enough security to want to go to Queens for a couple of hours and meet like minded people?

Just because some assholes jaded you the fuck out of this community doesn't mean you have to nuke the feelings, emotions, and actions of every person willing to share their experiences in regards to this rare and unique community. 

It's the "a black guy held me at gunpoint once so that's my excuse for being a racist" argument. I'm a fairly normal person that happens to live a bus and subway ride away from the convention who wants to check it out because why not? People are traveling states to converge there. Apparently according to your mindset that makes me cringe worthy. 

The only cringe I see here is your vendetta over people who merely want some more self-discovery in their lives. 

LutherVKane's picture

Nobody said you can't go. We are just saying, everyone who goes is cringe worthy.

You've made your point. Please make this your last comment on the subject. If all you have to contribute to the conversation is insults, then you'd do well not to contribute.

I really don't understand why people feel the need to tear down those who are actually trying to build something. If you don't like Sizecon, then keep scrolling when you see the name in a thread title and leave the participants to have their fun in peace.

MixMaster (not verified)

Get ready to stretch those face muscles in contempt then cupcake :D

I do agree with the sentiment of keeping things tighter knit though.

You're probably right, there probably are people who wish to artificially inject this fetish into mainstream culture for various reasons, maybe they think the more exposure it has, the more content, people to converse with, etc.

I disagree with this notion.

You might have looked at a few dirty videos a time or two featured on pay sites and thought "Well, there was an attempt made" Also, I dont know anyone who has been on something like Steam knows for every great thing that passes, there's a hundred shitty imitators riding in its wake. Pages of poorly thought out, unappealing, effortless, souless wastes of disk space, cranked out solely for a quick buck banking on impulse buys from a vast pool of consumers. 

I have this theory, in which the closer anything, be it a hobby, fetish, passtime, whatever, comes to the "mainstream", the closer it gets a uncanney valley of lameness. Take video games, comics, D&D, "nerd culture", then watch an episode of the Big Bang Theory, I think you'll see my point. Its like watching something that you enjoy thats also a part of what makes you, you, and having it ripped out, thoroughly examined for marketing purposes, drained of any creativity, thought, or teeth for that matter and being made safe by bending it into shapes it wasnt meant to be in. All the while a stupid laugh track is playing in the background as if its taunting me to say "Laugh now! That was a joke!" and everyone looks at them and then you and thinks "Oh, that's what those people are like..."

No sir I dont like it! O-o*

Not to mention, theres already a lot of people in the community that put in more than a decent amount of work already, drawing, writing, filming, whatever, that for the most part, know their audience because they are part of the audience. They want to see the things that they can only imagine be materialized in some means of satisfaction and who the hell else is going to make the thing that you want when it seems like more than a few people in another thread keep this shit under lock, key, fingerprint, optical and saliva sample access behind a vault door?

And I suppose that is where we break, for I am not so encumbered. Im comfortable being a part of the other people that share my feitsh beyond mesage board interactions and Sizecon is still a relatively small blip on the radar, so I really wouldn't sweat it so much. That Fort Knox level of security I mentioned in regards to one's shit being out in the open will be there to deter the majority of people and the people looser with the idea of making appearences around one another will have their place.

Christ, throw some solar panels on that, its a wall :D

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Love that last sentence!

for real though I second everything you just said. We need moderation since we don't need to become a clown show for everyone to laugh st like you said but growing ourselves within our tightknit community is not a bad thing whatsoever. 


"You're probably right, there probably are people who wish to artificially inject this fetish into mainstream culture for various reasons, maybe they think the more exposure it has, the more content, people to converse with, etc."

Hey, if Quentin Tarantino can get away with shoving his fetish into his movies repeatedly... ;)

MixMaster (not verified)

I agree with this sentiment. However, if I were to voice this opinion in regards to something such as gay pride parades publicly, I would be crucified on the nightly news with rainbow 4x4s, called an intolerant bigot, etc, when I have no issue with homosexuality. However, I do take issue with people who take advantage of those sorts of festivities by using them as a thinly vieled excuse to flaunt their fetishes, whatever it may be.

The difference though, between something like a pride parade and this convention is that one is public on streets, the other private in a hotel conference room. Who does it hurt if its a private affair?

MixMaster (not verified)

Yes, however, I have to say upfront, no guarantees as to who will get to wear it. For the sake of general hygienic purposes, I will have to wipe the suit down in between uses (though maybe not if its a couple going after another) and that takes time. For all I know, everyone may want to wear it and at that point, I may make it like a raffle as to who gets to try it on.

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Sounds good! More than anything I want to see how it functions and looks so not being able to get in is fine by me. Can't wait to see what you've got.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

My suggestion is to have people wear clothes without anything sharp or metallic on it. That should make the process a lot faster. From my experience with sharing inflatables at a panel, expect to give each person about 15 minutes for wearing, inflating, deflating, and getting out. You might also want to consider using baby powder to help with that, though the dust might be an issue.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

MixMaster (not verified)

I feel like the clothing goes without saying, but good to know about the time frame, it's about what I expected per person. 

As per the powder issue, I may just lay down a piece of plastic or something, couldn't hurt. I 

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

It depends on a lot of factors, for instance, what kind of zips does it have and how big is the suit (factor in inflation time).

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

MixMaster (not verified)

Well, the design hasn't been finalized, however, just from previous trials, it looks like actual inflation time will be around 6-7 minutes with the pump I'm uising.

Preeeeeety sure I'm going to have to use an actual compressor to achieve the pressure neccesary. Air mattress pumps can only output so much before they start to bog down.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Avoid air compressors if possible: They can introduce moisture in the machine which can transfer to the suit.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

MixMaster (not verified)

Moisture isnt so much a factor, the suit is made of vinyl

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Vinyl inflatable suit? Consider my curiosity piqued.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


Ugh... Blue Eyes disdainful posting again.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Yes, we get this isn't your thing. Just so you know, you can always just ignore it and move on to your own personal interests.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

TayvaRP's picture

Good luck with the event :)

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

And this is partially why I've been distant on the forums. Someone offers something up, potentially helping a lot of good folk, and people bitch and complain about how it's in their apparent faces. MixMaster, thanks for being so generous with your stuff, and if I make it down there, I'd be happy to lend some of my stuff for others to use. I wish you the best in the meantime and hopefully, I can see pictures of your suit later.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


Grow up. I was offering my opinion on why I didn't like size con. Then pongo decided to chime as though I had attacked him personally. 

I'm mean. 

MixMaster (not verified)

We get that you dont like Sizecon, you made it pretty apparent in the first message, you like to keep things private. I may have said this before maybe a year ago before the first Sizecon, but I wasn't neccesarily enthused about the idea of a convention for something so private as what I like to imagine in intimate times. For the most part, I agree with your position on keeping things private, its really nobody's business what the hell I do in my bedroom and I frankly dont really appreciate when people feel the need to express those  sort of things in the public sphere. 

That being said, calm down man. Like I said, its not like were going to be out in the middle of the street (though that would be an excuse to include parade floats :D), were going to be in a hotel conference room, behind closed doors. Even if someone just wanted to buy a ticket to the proverbial "freak show", and just wanders in with no context beyond, "I saw the signs and thought, eh, why the fuck not?" If they had any questions, I'm pretty sure that there would be a few people willing to answer them as to what were doing, why we like what we like, etc., but I very much doubt there's going to be a carnival barker near the entrance shouting "Roll up! Roll up! See the strange and bizzare!" If they want to be dicks about it, hopefully they will be politely, yet firmly to leave... I tell ya hwut :)

At any rate, I have something to contribute to the festivities, I know I'll be around like minded individuals who are comfortable with their sexuality, even people who for the most part, keep this sort of thing between strictly between themselves and their significant other. It sounds like it is going to be a surreal experience considering I've only met one other person that had shared interests. Really great guy, makes some really great videos you have enjoyed at some point, Maxgrowth. If the other people there are even half as nice as him, I'm sure it will be a tremendous success and a good time.




Now that we got that out of the way, Im going to... lighten the mood as it were (I dont apoligize for shitty puns) and share another few tidbits of information with any and all people who may still he reading this deep wall of text.

Firstly, the suit will be made of vinyl and secondly, it will be a ball shape. So, if you dont have any vinyl allergies and prefer a spherical shape, then boy howdy, aren't you excited?

More to come soon

LutherVKane's picture

And why do you feel the need to voice your opinion to people who certainly aren't interested in hearing it? What do you expect to accomplish with this? I'm genuinely curious.

MixMaster (not verified)

Well, part of it is because it reminded me of myself and my first impressions about the convention. I was somewhat apprehensive about the whole idea of it when the idea was fielded and thought "What the hell would we even do at a get together like that?" However, after talking to a few people who went, they said they all had a pretty excellent time and that it was a unique experience to be surrounded by people who share something that normally you wouldn't be caught dead talking about to complete strangers face to face. It's not like a normal convention with more common interests, like video games, movies, comics, you can find people to talk about those things in damn near every home in the world. Inflation?... Not so much. Like I said, I've met ONE person that I've ever talked to about this subject face to face, so having the thought of being around more like minded people couldn't be so bad either, maybe even kind of special to be in a group of people where it's easier to be yourself in regards to your sexuality.

Also, part of his opinion was misinformed. He's entitled to his opinion just as much as the rest of us, just as Blue_Eyes feels like its probably a lame, waste of time. That's his opinion, he can have it. However, Drybonesx seemed to have the misconception that the con was something more of a public affair, parading our private sexual fetishes around, when thats clearly not the case. I had to buy a ticket, it's in a private area, hell, you can't even look at the pictures from the first year from what I understand unless you were there and were given login credentials to see the gallery. 

As per what I hoped to accomplish? Well, for one, to diffuse the argument. I didn't want to start a thread to start an argument, but mainly, I hope to show off something that people like, encourage them to go to the con to see it even though I will more than likely be posting pictures and video of it anyway, and offer up my opinion to be the counterpoint to those who are maybe still kind of apprehensive about the whole thing as well.

LutherVKane's picture

That reply was for Drybonesx.

MixMaster (not verified)

Doh! -_-


Let me answer that question with another question. What was so offensive about this?

"I can't speak for blue eyes, but frankly people shouldn't be parading their sexual fetishes around for the whole world to see. People need to keep some things to themselves and or their significant others."

In response, you thensite owner decide to call me out and I get lots of hostility from other users attacking me saying I'm "bitching and moaning", and an asshole. 

I didn't attack anyone, I didn't attack the community. Blue eyes made a response, and I was postulating why she gave that particular response because I assumed it mirror my own. Again without attacking anyone or the community. You people are the ones who decided to stir the pot over 2 sentences that amounted to. 

"I don't think fetish conventions are a good idea." 

Kudos to mixmaster for trying to have a dialogue, and shame on the rest of you for being so ashamed that you have a fetish.



I'm mean. 

LutherVKane's picture

Let me answer that question with another question. What was so offensive about this?

I didn't say your words were offensive so "What was so offensive about this?" is a non sequitur, as is the rest of your post. You didn't answer my questions. There were two, and I'll repeat them here:

  1. Why do you feel the need to voice your opinion to people who certainly aren't interested in hearing it?
  2. What do you expect to accomplish with this?
Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Yo does anyone got popcorn? this shit is getting intense.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Yo you're the projection fucking master you're giving Trump a run for his money. 


"frankly people shouldn't be parading their sexual fetishes around for the whole world to see"

"shame on the rest of you for being so ashamed that you have a fetish"

Am I the only one who finds that these two points are contradictory to each other?  You talk about people shoving their fetishes in other people's faces, and then when people push back on your point, you accuse them of being ashamed of their fetishes despite those people trying to defend a public (relatively speaking, since you do have to pay to get in and whatnot) gathering centered around a common fetish?

MixMaster (not verified)

Yeah, I read that too and thought, "Well, that doesn't make any sense."

Why would I be going if I were ashamed of my fetish? I feel like you have to at least have sort of secuirty as to your sexuality to even show up at such an event.

Drybones, I think you should take a breather and collect your thoughs. I feel like Hurricane pegged it pretty well, you're projecting like you're showing vacation slides that nobody wants to see. Sort yourself out and try again.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

popcorn SHAMONAH’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

My reply wasn't directed to you actually, but while I'm here I'll say, respectfully, that I disagree with your views on 'parading it around like a sexual fetish'. Conventions like this help people connect and find relation with others, and while you might not want to see it, you can simply ignore it and move on. I'm all for a world that shows itself to help people rather than hide in fear of others opinions.


Oh, and also:

"How can I or anyone keep their nose out of your business if you shove it in their face?"

Posting to a forum about a con that's being held in New York is hardly 'shoving it in their face'. Since you've shown distaste towards this subject, why did you even click on it in the first place?

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Don't let it get you. There are some real assholes on this forum. They seem to be either young/immature or jaded. Don't let them bring you down to their level. 

They're the type of people we wouldn't want at SizeCon anyway if they're going to be such judgmental assholes though I bet they wouldn't have nearly half the gall in person. 

You're a bright spot in the forum ACG it's a shame to hear that's the case for you. 

airtankgirl5's picture

Why is this so hard?

If you dont want to go, don't and screw what they think.  
If you want to go, do and screw what they think.

I must be the smartest woman ALIVE!