She's not an airhead, thats for sure :)
Sizecon Announcement
She's the hero this site needs, But doesn't deserve yet..
In an effort to get back to the point. Mixmaster has been busting his ass working on his passion project, and pouring in a bunch of sweat, time and money to make something that will hopefully be of great interest to (and hopefully used by) the community. SizeCon (however you feel about it) is a great place to display his handiwork. To get feedback and encouragement.
SizeCon was literally one of the best days of my life. That is no exaggeration. And while I don't expect everyone to be on board, or attend, or approve...I do ask that you try not to diminish my experience or anyone else's. And casting negative energy on something that brings many people happiness, displays a lack of generosity.
I am the first person to encourage honest, open, critical, and FAIR feedback. Just please endeavor to not take your words past the point of reasonable discourse. We can just all agree to disagree and be done with it. I only wish the best of luck to everyone on this board.
I cant say it better!
I went to Fartcon but it was a real stinker. Hmm check please!
Getting back on topic, will there be pictures or videos of the suit available after the con for those of us who are not attending?
Ill take some pictures before the con, possibly a video of it inflating, though it probably won't be worn at the time. As for the con, they have rules about taking pictures, I think they try to keep things private to the point that you need logins to see the photo gallery.
So, Im sitting in a certain someone's garage piecing this thing together.
Jesus Murphy.
Its coming together and may be all the way together by this Friday, fingers crossed.
Ok folks, Ive got some good news and bad news.
Good news is the suit is coming along just fine, Im learning quite a bit on how to work with the material and it will be together by the time of the con for you to see.
Bad news is that I am going to have to my offer to let people actually try it on. I simply do not trust the thing to hold up to the abuse as I originally did, being that its my first suit and Im still refining the process in which it is assembled. I didn't want there to be a situation where everyone was excited to it on, only to have the first person wearing it have it pop. I feel like it would create feelings of animosity and I want everyone to have a good time and not be bogged down by negative feelings due to people missing out on the experience.
This is what is known as testing. Testing is good.
I hope you will be able to post a few pics of it.
Testing is a good thing, however, when you know that chances of failure are quite high and you have the possibility of several people wanting to test it, only to have it fail on the first person, its not a good look.
However, that being said, I may have jumped the gun on that announcement. I just ordered a new tool that will make the suit a much higher quality, so who knows? Its all a new experience to me, finding out what works and what doesn't.
As someone who is an unfortunate pro at jumping the gun at announcing things I'll just say you'll be fine. As long as you're not harming anyone no one can truly get mad.
People like you with initiative are the pioneers we need to push our interests further and it's a blessing that you're heading to SizeCon with said ingenuity. It is a hell of a rush to truly be all in on something and announce it to the world but it's also soul crushing and terrifying to see everything you envisioned crumble around you as you realize you've vastly overreached. Not saying this is the case here but even if it is like I said before fuck it. Do you
It's not much, seeing as how I'm still working on the suit in this video, but it's something. Not to mention, you get to see the lovely Koa's beautiful self, that's always a plus ^_^
Wow that was amazing and the wad of clear vinyl is so unassuming it's going to be great to see this in person! Have you done any small scale tests to see if it has enough strength to roll around or are you kind of just winging it to see how it works once it's finalized?
Please listen to ATG. She's being smart.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity