Will we ever get "the big one" again on screens?

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Will we ever get "the big one" again on screens?

Pun intended hehe.


But what I mean by that is a scene in a movie/TV show/game so revolutionary that it inspires remakes, new fan art/inflation methods, etc. I don't believe any scene has had an inpact like that in the inflation culture since Violet's first blueberry scene in 1971. That's just about 46 years ago. I don't believe any other scene has matched it's prowess on the community. 

Thoughts? We certainly have the technology to make it look great now, as evident by the 2005 remake of the blueberry inflation. Will we see another ground breaking inflation scene in the near future? Or is it most likely to never for a many years to come?

doubleintegral's picture

Groundbreaking?  No, because there isn't much new ground to break.  But inflation scenes will continue to pop up here and there.


it will. There is a chance that somebody could pitch a live action film where body inflation gets involved somewhere, and there is the possible Wonka remake, and if Harry Potter makes more comebacks, you can hope for an engorgio somewhere. 

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Yeah the only thing with nearly an equal amount of pull as Violet that has shown up was Aunt Marge and that came a little over 35 years after Chocolate Factory was written. 

Inflation is too niche and bizarre of a plot scenario to merit many uses. Even then the Aunt Marge scene happened to a periphery character who really only served as an excuse to showcase Harry losing it and nothing more. Violet was a main character whose whole arc concluded in the spectacle of her inflation. Minus the second coming of a writer the likes of Dahl being able to shoehorn such a thing without being labeled a copycat I seriously doubt anything will eclipse Violet. I am open to being pleasantly surprised though. 

It took JK Rowling, someone whom history will elevate into a class along with Lewis and Tolkien, to hold even close to a candle. Before Chocolate Factory inflation never had a major pop cultural depiction though. It's possible that with more exposure to the scenario as an idea more creative minds in the future will be drawn to it.

firnov's picture

I think there is a reason why the old wonka movie has more atention as the 2005 movie. If you look at the dates the movies were made, you count that the most people who grow up with the 2005 wonka are still in puberty. On this age you explore yourself.... meby in 5-10 years this site might get full of people talking about the "great inflation of 2005".

Also i think that the way how the story about wonka and his factory is tolled makes it difrent. The 1971 movie was more tolled like a european/german fairytale, the 2005 movie was tolled as a big american musical. A fairytale lurnes children in a dark way to behave and be nice. If you look at the movie, the only nice kid was charlie, and he end up well. In the 2005 the children ended all up well (really american). This shock factor made more impact i think. If you look at the non-inflation stuff, the stories that i remember the most from my childhood where the dark fairytales my grandma tolled me.

My second point is, with the internet and new media its all to much. As i kid i need to rend to wonka movie to watch the scene all over again, and now i can watch nonstop all kind inflation scene's on the internet. In the times tv was still the main media, we had about 7-10 national channels. If there was a movie aimed at children, all kids at school had seen it. Now with tv, youtube, netflix Ect. Nobody watches the same movies. This way we meby miss a lot of nice scene's.

And boom goes the inflatee

Machinequeen's picture

That moment when you weren't influenced directly by Willy Wonka, but by Fairly Odd Parents and the Gas-X Commercials...



firnov's picture

I almost forgot the fairly odd parents one

And boom goes the inflatee

Machinequeen's picture

Really? I loved that one xD



airtankgirl5's picture

I'll take more gasx commercials please.

And the skol beer commercials.

Machinequeen's picture

Omg I'd love that <3

With some more men too xD




The Gas-X commercials are gold. I would love to work with the people that make them. They're grotesque in a hot way. Especially as a guy with a fart fetish.

mustangcobra04's picture

What about Naked Gun style remakes of inflations?


Mister Creasote