pleas don't let them block this website

I will cross this one off the worlds todo list and on to the next problem
20% (3 votes)
FIGHT!!!, 1000 times they try it 1000 times I will do my part to stop them.
47% (7 votes)
I don't care im living it up at the hotel California
7% (1 vote)
tern me in to a balloon so I can float away from all the troubles of the world
27% (4 votes)
Total votes: 15

I was planning a post about people being over stuffed on thanks giving.
sadly im posting this instead.
You can POP me I Im lying.
drowning our sorrows in blueberry juice wont help.

The FCC is going after NET NEUTRALITY again on December 14th.
This is the second time they are trying this.
We can't let ISPs decide which websites we get to look at!
If you have ideas on what to do about this, I welcome all suggestions.

We CANNOT let the voice of our free websites be silenced forever by ISPs!
We CANNOT let big business shut down free services and charity because its competition to them making money.
This is a dangerous step towards the U. S. living like the North Koreans.
We should take on the fight to stop price gouging in general. Rent, education and prescription drug prices keep dramatically increasing.

I'm studying on If the ISPs block it I will have to pay a fortune to finish my education.


Net Neutrality
The FCC announces vote to destroy net neutrality next month.

You can look this up and draw your own conclusions.
I urge you to contact your congressman and sign online petitions.
You could also go on strike and make a late payment to your ISP.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

I'm pretty sure there isn't actually anything we can do about this, Save for pray to whatever gods you worship. 

God I hate politics..’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

I'm all about fucking hating Ajit Pai and co. for doing that but I think bringing that battle here won't do much. Something something time and a place. Either way thanks for your passion and activism and remember guys. This is happening because Trump got elected. Fuck Trump. Fuck racism.

MixMaster (not verified)

This is why no one takes leftists serious anymore, among other reasons. You scream "RACISM!" at everything, even if it has nothing to do with race, such as this issue, and much like "The Boy Who Cried 'Wolf!'", people stop giving a shit what you have to say after a while. Ajit Pai is an Indian, in a position of power of probably the most powerful government on the planet, is that the racist part? It was a poor decision by the President to appoint this turd as the Chairman of the FCC, but where was the outrage when he was appointed Commissioner of the FCC by Obama in 2012?

Right, there was none, because that would have been "racist" to oppose the decision of a black President to appoint a brown person to that position, even if your disagreement was based upon merit and judge of character. However, now that Trump is President, he is throwing the liberal playbook of "If they don't agree with me, call them "Racist, mysoginst, bigot, hateful, stupid, etc" right back in their face, and that's why it's driving them all crazy. "Don't like the decision of the person I appointed? Well, that sounds awfully racist of you..."

And now, the chickens have come home to roost.

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

He was appointed by Obama because he was forced to appoint a Republican to balance out the board. Learn some politics before you speak bro. Whoever the head was as long as he was Repub would go that route it just happened to fall on Pai. 

my comment of fuck racism is only relevant because Trump is a racist. It’s telling that instead of simply agreeing with the notion you get so “triggered” over someone saying racism is bad. I met you irl and you seemed half decent but if you’re this way then go fuck yourself dude. “Leftists” seriously? Go fuck yourself. All I say is fuck racism and you white fucks lose your mind. Leave the fucking south a little more you’ll see. And people wonder why I do all my shit in the shadows now. I’m glad people like you don’t get to see the fruits of my labor anymore. And that also goes for the bitch that commented under you

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Alright you've both made good points, But it is now time to stop. This is the one fucking place on practically the entire fucking internet where I can escape pointless political arguments, Such as the one between you two, And I'd honestly prefer it to stay that way.

Now please, For the love of god, Stop this shit. I love you both, But you're both making retards of yourselves.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

MixMaster (not verified)

Hmm... Im at odds, Margeret. On one hand, while I completely agree with you on the notion that this is not the place to discuss politics because its not the purpose of this discussion board, nor are certain people capable of having civil discourse about them to begin with, I am torn because this is a matter that could very much effect our community as a whole, as well as many other communities of similar explicit nature. So, I do feel as though it does merit at least some sort of exposure, seeing as how if neutrality is abolished, ISPs can effectively shut down or black list any and all websites they want, if Im understanding the issue correctly. Id rather have the discission now and have people at least thinking about it, talking about it, rather to wake up and this place not be here because it is considered forbidden or inappropriate content by private ISPs.

Ultimately, its up to Luther what goes on here. If we wants to lock the thread, thats his perogative and Ill stand behind his decision, seeing as how I brought this up a while back in off topic, and he was less inclined to have political discussions for this very reason.

That being said...

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Says fuck racism. Indirectly gets mentioned as not being able to have civil discourse. Way to go bro

MixMaster (not verified)

Wew, he mad.

I said it once to you and I'll say it again but that would all be very intimidating if you were well... intimidating. You seem to also to think that just saying "Fuck racism!" puts you at a moral high ground and gives you cart blanche to act like a dickhead: it doesn't. What you call "triggering", I call mildly annoying and I find sickenly ironic that someone using this false facade of moral superiority has the nerve to talk about anyone being a racist, while referring to someone as "you white fucks" Not to to mention, inferring that just because I live in the South, I'm somehow incapable of buying a plane ticket or gain any sort of appreciation for someone elses culture, seeing as how Ive been to several foreign countries as well as many states in the union, so now you've been upgraded to a presumptuous dickhead. Your whole post has been nothing but a staggering display of cognitive dissonance, that at any rate, proves my point fully that the liberal operational mindset is nothing more than baseless defamation of character, coupled with accusing anyone that disagrees with you of the very thing you are guilty of yourself.

On a final note, dont kid yourself. I know why you operate in the shadows and why no one gets to see the "fruits" of your labor, you greasy little snake. Remember? You told me at Sizecon... It would give me great pleasure to see your high horse buck you off and kick you in the fucking teeth, so, if you wouldn't mind shutting your piehole, or if you prefer cake, shutting your cakehole, that would be grand. 

An apology would be great too, but there's only so many times you can do that with me before you wear out my patience.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

alright fuck this shit im out this thread has passed into the political argument event horizon
peace out’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


I can't think of a single time Trump ever used stereotypical liberal rhetoric to answer his attackers. I know his supporters have done that, but I don't believe that he himself ever has. If I'm wrong please show me a quote and I'll be happy to recant, but right now to me this just sounds like wishful thinking on your part.

And the point I'm getting at with this is that the online alt-right's support of Trump is all wishful thinking. The alt-right has made him out to be some kind of free-wheeling, mischievous hero of the common man, righteously lampooning the corrupt establishment, and he and his political allies have happily encouraged that characterization, but his own words and actions do not bear it out. In speeches and interviews he's not irreverantly witty, he's just incoherent. And his actions, and the actions of those that he has appointed, have done nothing to benefit the disaffected, jaded right-wingers that worship him. He has worked exclusively to benefit the rich and powerful, because he doesn't actually stand for anything. All he cares about is money, power, and fame. It's all he's ever cared about his entire life.

MixMaster (not verified)

Youre most likely correct in your first point, about using liberal rhetoric to answer his attackers, I cant recall him shouting down anyone in particular with the "Racist, sexist, bigot, hateful, stupid, etc." lines we all know and love, but in the same token, he doesnt really have to either. Maybe it is just wishful thinking, but it seems far too coincidental that whenever someone or something, usually the mass media, thinks that they have an "Aha! Gotcha!" completely locked down, it turns out to be nothing and the trap has been sprung to make themselves look like utter fools. He gives them just enough rope to hang themselves with and inadvertedly exposes the lies being fed to us, day in, day out by our media outlets. That, I know for certainty, is not wishful thinking.

Regardless of what you may think of the man, I would consider it brash to consider him anything less than intelligent. I mean not to sound like the president of his fan club, I agree with him on some issues, others such as this one, I completely disagree with, however saying he is dumb or unintelligible is vastly underestimating him. Could you do everything he did, say everything he said, have everything thrown at you by your own party, the opposition, and the media, and still have made all the right moves to emerge as the President of the United States of America? Hell, that was half the appeal of him as a candidate, a person that everyone told from the jet-set "You cannot become President" and he replied "Watch me". If at any rate, he saw an opportunity to take advantage of the obscene corruption that we all know is happening in our government in both parties and expose it, making himself look better by proxy. Remember, this is this guys schtick, the art of persuasion and the median IQ of the country hovers at about 100.

You don't have to have all the big dollar words, you just have to have the right words.

Blue_Eyes's picture

I was going to rip into you as well but MixMaster already did I will just choose to say "Hear Hear"

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

airtankgirl5's picture

I'll second that "Hear Hear".  Agreeing with BlueEyes isn't the craziest thing I've ever done.

Agreeing with Butterflies & Hurricanes, now THAT would be crazy.


Its me I voted #3. Because how could you not!


I really doubt that ISPs are going to go out of their way to blacklist fetish porn sites. There's no money in that. At the end of the day, that's all any of this is about: ISPs having more ways to wring money out of websites and consumers, and getting to screw their business competitors.

MixMaster (not verified)

Yeah, I suppose thats more of what I was driving at, though censorship is always something that can be brought to the table. Social media websites like Twitter and Facebook already actively censor people that post things that dont meet their agenda, whats to say this censorship wouldnt leak into overall content on a privatized web?

Most likely though, youre right in saying they'll just use it to screw people over, but not business competitors: it will be us. These cable companies already set up non-compeitive agreements among each other to stay out of one another's coverage territory. Abolishing net neutrality will give them the power to essential do effectively whatever the hell they want and stifle any and all competition. It will be like the railroad industry during the late 1800 - early 1900s all over again.

NameTaken's picture

I don't think going after a 2-decade old inflation fetish website is exactly very high on the government's to-do list.

Cosinusitis's picture

My username is stupid.

Better known as Poqato on the art scene.


All I can do is make more phone calls and share the news too. If or when Net Neutrality goes, I'd have to quit making artwork, streaming, and videos cause I know I won't be able to afford the lisences to use all the websites I use. 


Ajit Pai may just be the death of a vast majority of artists and content creators, myself included. I've already dedicated a whole livestreaming drawing the monster as a devil, so that's all I want to say about it. If all fails and I'm put on the slow lane with no budget for the web, it was nice knowing you guys. :(

firnov's picture

Im not a techical or american, so please correct me if I am wrong:

I think it is a problem if the site is runned undet a host of the USA. If we can transport the site to a host who isnt american and dont have simular politics. This way the site is not american, so it is stuff they cant sut down.

I dident look up this new law to much because seems like they are not gonna be forced on Dutch internet. 

And boom goes the inflatee

airtankgirl5's picture

*pats down pockets*  Noooope, not one fuck left to give.  Wait...nope, that's an old skittle.


*admist the madness* So, anyone played Odyssey yet? How's that going?

SpryCarrion's picture

As stated above, there's no money to be made from blacklisting a fetish forum. This place will be fine. 

On the other hand, any website that goes against oligarchic interests, be it economic or social, will run the risk of being suppressed.


LutherVKane's picture

Sheesh, people. This is why we can't have nice things. Locking this.

Regarding the matter at hand: The net neutrality protections in question were enacted in 2015. This site has been running since 1996. Take a chill pill, there's nothing to worry about here.

Topic locked