Swell and sensibility

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Swell and sensibility

Is inflation a type of harassment?

Does inflation affect inflatee's self-esteem in a negative way?

Is it purely psychological or very much physical and costing a fine?

In which case pricing in your area is interesting for granting buoyancy to the unwilling - is it of the scale of driving into a house, or merely parking on neighbour's lawn?

Why never, ever, not a single inflatee flies into a police station in our stories? Are all of them that happy? ^_^



Cosinusitis's picture


My username is stupid.

Better known as Poqato on the art scene.

darkburster2's picture

Yeah I'm with THESE guys... 


The post, and the replies on the other post (cuz this was a double) completely lost me, is this like a 3rd meaning of inflation I don't know about? Lol, but seriously, I'm not interested anyways, I just laughed cuz I had the same reaction as the others in this one lol

Misery loves company.