Swell and sensibility

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Swell and sensibility

Is inflation a type of harassment?

Does inflation affect inflatee's self-esteem in a negative way?

Is it purely psychological or very much physical and costing a fine?

In which case pricing in your area is interesting for granting buoyancy to the unwilling - is it of the scale of driving into a house, or merely parking on neighbour's lawn?

Why never, ever, not a single inflatee flies into a police station in our stories? Are all of them that happy? ^_^

Fujiwara's picture

Embarassment and negative self esteem is something I practically always do. It's simply unrealistic in my eyes that a girl would enjoy becoming so impossibly fat. Heck, them enjoying the inflation is kind of a turn off. I'm fine if they eventually get used to it, but it seems silly that any self respecting girl would want to be a balloon.

Although I wouldn't be able to say much about the idea of harassment, since most of the time in my fantasies inflation is something that "happens", instead of being "done" to someone.

firnov's picture

In my world you have the scale of love-like-dislike-hate. If a inflatee of the scale dislike or hate is inflated against her will you can call it harrasment. I dont think to much about the effects after, just her feelings at the time of the inflation. 

And boom goes the inflatee


Thank you Fujiwara-san, beste Firnov, DarkBurster2, Cosinusitis and BigBellysForDays!

You used an accidental double thread as an opportunity to group opposite opinions together - that was my dream for quite some time, and you made it come true ^_^

Inflation fiction is usually quick - it's one scene happening on the same place and in the same time, and when it's over so is a story

While you need to stay in character's shoes for several days of his/her life to explore cause and consequence

wynonna's picture

I always think of the inflatee as enjoying the inflation.  Thus, not harrasment.

But then again, I'm a member of the clothing stuffing delagation on this forum, and finding that enjoyable to be stuffed, I can see how (if it were possible) an infaltee could enjoy herself as well.

As further evidence, I point to those who do the real life infaltions as well.


Thank you!  ^_^ Personally, that's my favourite scenario - either a lady is inflating herself because she likes to inflate, or weights the odds and decides to inflate to achieve her goal