Blueberry inflation

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Blueberry inflation

Imagine a fantasy country whose citizens might start swelling with blueberry juice if they consume one blueberry too many in the wrong time. 

Free matter appearing out of nowhere can be turned to free sales.

A market bubble might blow up... and here imagination fails me. Will its popping kill economy? How does market cope at all?



blueberryjuicer's picture

holy shit thats a good question

Berries are always sweet, no matter how sour they act, they'll always make the best juice.

Equation for juice filling: Volume/Quantity=[(Diameter*Circum

dewj's picture

Well considering the free matter appearing out of nowhere sort of goes against several laws in science, the market might collapse but the energy it could provide would possibly throw humanity into a utopian state (or distopian if it seems cruel to farm human blueberries for unlimited energy and food which it does.) Don't know anything about economics but know a fair bit about science. 


Maybe the matter "coming out of nowhere" is actually teleporting and transmuting as it arrives, so it's water, sand and so forth, being gathered randomly from the environment and turning into blueberry juice on the way over.


firnov's picture

If in this country you eat a normal portion of blueberries its save, so it is a normal food. Only if you eat to much you can inflate and pop.

I dont think its possible to ban the food. Its like cigarets in the real world. It can be a big risk if you smoke to much, but it aint banned (yet). Meby your country is gona have "no-pop" zones :p

And boom goes the inflatee


Thanks, DewJ and Firnov

Indeed, it might be easier to live without any currency in such a world, measuring merit of ideas by other means

Or - if we do want to carry money in the pocket - then we should impose costs on juice producers

require juice producers to make cosy farms with all sorts of care and entertainment to make juice production expensive enough

if someone has rolled a blueberry lady under a tree by the road and just changes barrels then her juice really costs nothing - selling it is like printing money

sellers of free juice might be the biggest criminals of their world since they essentially ruin economy

dewj's picture

Can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that we're discussing the logistics of a fruit person's juice based economic system? 


Alright. Now to carry on the conversation.

There would still need to be money but it would be based off the amount of juice in circulation since the juice would be the main resource since it's literally limitless in this universe. The world's governments would have to heavily regulate the juice production to avoid hyperinflation. (Money. Not people...) Counterfeit would be impossible to fight against. I guess it really all comes down to the demand of the juice. If no one wants it but you have plenty of it, it's worthless. If you have a very limited amount of it but everyone wants it, it's priceless. This could honestly make a great story and I'm half tempted to write it if I wasn't terrible at writing.

inflatingclothes's picture

There will be a black market for the juice, and criminal gangs will be forcing kidnapped women and girls to be blueberries 

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Step 1: Visit the country.

Step 2: Kidnap some locals.

Step 3: Perform secret tests to determine what causes the blueberry effect.

Step 4: Using this data, create gold-flavored gum.

Step 5: Force-feed them the gum until they swell up with gold from it.

Step 6: Remove the gold.  I'm not going to tell you how, but keep in mind that you kidnapped and experimented on people.  Your hands are plenty dirty by now.

Step 7: Use some of that gold to repeat Steps 2 through 6, setting the rest aside.

Step 7a: If problems arise, you've got a ton of gold.  Get creative!

Step 8: Dump all the gold onto the market in an act of economic terrorism on an unprecedented scale.

Step 9: Laugh as the world burns.  Remember, the most important part of triggering a global market collapse is having fun and being yourself.

blueberryjuicer's picture

Step 10: Rebuild the world in the image of the blue

Step 11: Justify your crimes as a religious ideology

Step 12: Create a new world encomassing religion

Step 13: Write the book for it, which hinges on rehashing the various versions of the same blueberry inflation of violet beauregarde in the different media portrayals

Step 14: Add a bunch of inflation fetish stories that can be loosely connected or modified to be connected to it

Step 15: Create a new godhead- The Seed, The Fruit, and the Plant, symbolizing crap

Step 16: DIVIDE That motherfucker into like 35 branches

Step 17: Pepper in facts and history with fantasy

Step 18: Take a break with a harem of like 30 fruit chicks

Step 19: set aside a day of worship which involves watching either the original movies or stage versions of the movies all day

Step 20: Don't let the existential and guilt based dread set in


Step 22: Make a world pie.

Step 23: Is this cannibalism?

Step 24: Maybe

Step 25: Oh god, what have you done

Step 26: Realize mistakes

Step 27: Make your way back to your home planet, taking with you one of the harem to spread the genes and effect with

Step 28: Pass down a plan for generations

Step 29: Execute plan once gene pool is sufficiently filled with blueberry genes

Step 30: End the world

Berries are always sweet, no matter how sour they act, they'll always make the best juice.

Equation for juice filling: Volume/Quantity=[(Diameter*Circum



The average blueberry has a diameter of 16 mm.  Assuming the average person having become a blueberry is spherical apart from her head, hands and feet, and is 4'6" without those, she is over half a million times larger.  I've just looked up the price of blueberry juice and got £2.10 a litre.  The volume of a 4'6" sphere is approximately 1000 litres, so her juice would be worth about £2100 on the retail market.  I think the mark-up could be absolutely tiny and still make a profit and it would clearly be cheaper to manufacture blueberry juice by feeding it to people and turning them into blueberries than squeezing non-human blueberries.  However, you would get hyperinflation.



Or it would become lower than 2100 as more people start producing juice, and some of them would have to stop producing juice one way or another if market bubble bursts and juice would cost cheaper than tap water. The most valuable commodity in this branch of economy seems to be a blueberry gum turning ladies blue, and blueberry employees willing to take a 24/7 sedentary job.

It's still only one branch of a market, and only one type of bubbles - fairly manageable, provided gov takes notice what's going on.

An alternative - blueberry juice as money itself - would mean everyone would carry a vial with juice instead of a wallet. Just imagine - everyone carries in their pocket a single thing that would make their very body an infinite source of money. Regulate that! ^_^

kairiinflator's picture

That kinda balances things out then, because if you use the juice you earn to make yourself produce infinite juice, you can't spend it because you'd be an immobile, blue ball.

I suck at writing but decent at drawing!


But you could still have value as a thing of beauty to be enjoyed and viewed by others.  You could be put in a show, as suggested in the more recent film.  Also, you would save money because you wouldn't be able to spend it in that condition and you could charge people admission to be seen, in a kind of turnstile arrangement.  Also, you wouldn't need to buy food or drink for quite a while.


kairiinflator's picture

Didn't think about that, then again, we're talking about the economics of people turning into fruit and using their juice as money. Some points are gonna be missed or overlooked like that.

I suck at writing but decent at drawing!


Or BB could be a pres in blue biz

Imagine a balloon of the size of Jabba the Hutt and of wit, wisdom and beauty of Carrie Fisher. She uses special lenses to run her vast business venture on a sandy world. With a slight movement of her pupils she places an order from left to right, confirms by widening her eyes - and a container goes to the farmers and their juice vaporisers. No need to move a finger ^_^