Discussions of lucid dreaming as a means to achieve inflation-related fantasies have come up on this board before, and I'd like to share a recent experience of mine in the same vein. I've been interested in lucid dreaming for a long time and have been trying off and on to learn to do it consistently. The biggest roadblock for me has been that every time I achieve lucidity I wake up soon after, which I understand is a very common problem among aspiring lucid dreamers.
This time was no different in that regard, but it did yield an interesting, albeit minor, success. My lucidity on this occassion actually ocurred in two stages, which is unusual for me. The first stage came when I started attempting to "game" the dream in order to make something appear for me. I didn't actually realize that I was lucid, but I was behaving in a way that broke with the logic of the dream. What actually jolted me into full lucidity was walking back into an empty room that I had just left, only to find it filled with people.
Once I realized that I was lucid, I decided to attempt an experiment. I was in a hurry, so I rushed to find the nearest reasonably attractive dream character and said to them, "What's happening to your nose?"
Incredibly, that worked. A wet, blue spot appeared on their nose and quickly spread over their entire body. Unfortunately I lost control of the dream almost immediately after, and was jerked out of that situation before they could start to expand. I woke up not long after.
What I found so striking about this experiment was how it proved the power of self-suggestion. Even once I had become lucid, no logical sequence of cause-and-effect was required to make a dream character start to turn into a blueberry. A big part of controlling a lucid dream is making yourself expect that something you want to happen will occur. Just by evoking the typical "script" for such a situation, I was able to make myself expect all that followed. It's a shame that I couldn't stick around to enjoy it.
Other lucid dreamers, have you had any similar successes lately? Or greater successes? And do you have any techniques that help you stay dreaming and in control of the dream once you've become lucid?
Wow. I've seen this topic before, But I've never actually seen someone be successful in making it happen.
Kudos I guess.
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