How may I delete my account?

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How may I delete my account?


Sorry if it's rude to announce it this way, but I would like to leave the site. As grateful as I am to the people who run this site, I barely have time to visit it, and my interest in inflation in general, although still there, is declining anyway. I would like to delete my account and the info attached to it, but I don't know how to do this. Could someone who does know please tell me, or if it's something the webmaster handle, could you please delete my account and all data attached to it? Thank you in advance for your reply, and thank you for the work you put into the site.

NameTaken's picture

1. go to edit profile page

2. change email to

3. slam face on keyboard to change password

4. click save

5. ???

6. profit

LutherVKane's picture

Send me a PM requesting account deletion and I'll take care of it.