Looking for a blueberry ball inflatable suit

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Looking for a blueberry ball inflatable suit

where can I find a inflatable suit that isn’t $1000 or $500? I know there’s the one from alibiba but it’s way too expensive; and I know squeaklatex has been gone for years; any suggestions ? 


I've been curious about this too, looking for an inflatable ball suit I can use by myself has so far returned no results.


I dunno why alibaba is the only one; I’m tired of seeing it; every time I look up inflatable ball suits they are the ones

Smothered by tits

Latex catfish have ones for sale but you have to wait a while for them to make it due to the back log of orders they have recently. Here's the link https://www.latexcatfish.com/xcart/CF-SPL159.html


i just tried that and the item wasnt there

Smothered by tits

You have to login to the website to see it i know it's bs but what can you do?


Looks like they’ve got three options:

1) A clone of Squeak’s Violet Beauregarde suit with the belt (not the blueberry ball)

2) Something similar but not exact to Squeak’s blueberry ball suit. Max diameter of 5 feet. 

3) A “Big Inflatable Suit” that actually looks very very close to what Violet actually wore in the 1970 film. 


Anyone on here have any experience with LatexCatfish and the quality of their products?


is it something like this? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2019-Hot-Sale-Latex-Rubber-Catsuit-Apple-Green-Unisex-Bodysuit-With-Mask-Double-layer-Suit-Size/33001159836.html?spm=2114.search0104.3.69.5af337a7o7p7ez&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_3_10065_10130_10068_10890_10547_319_10546_317_10548_10545_10696_453_10084_454_10083_10618_10307_537_536_10059_10884_10887_321_322_10103,searchweb201603_52,ppcSwitch_0&algo_expid=40231ecb-5ea4-42a9-8fa1-6b286e8dd489-11&algo_pvid=40231ecb-5ea4-42a9-8fa1-6b286e8dd489




im curious where cerigfolf/grangerlabortories got her suit

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

If it's made of inflatable rubber, then good luck, you're not going to get it for cheaper. If you see it on Ebay for something ridiculously cheap, I'll guarantee you it's a broken suit as I know it's happened to 3 people so far.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


If money WASNT a thing, where would you go to get a a suit you really really wanted?

One wish huh? I would go for...


If money WASNT a thing, where would you go to get a a suit you really really wanted?

One wish huh? I would go for...