Finally tracked something down

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Finally tracked something down

This is probably just me but I'll share it anyway.  Back when I was nine, I used to watch a cartoon called 'Noah & Nelly In The Skylark' and remember a brief inflation scene at the end of one episode.  Well, I've just managed to find it on YouTube.  It's called 'During A Smashing Time' and was broadcast on 22nd September 1976:

I remember finding it fascinating and embarrassing.

Now I just want to find the 'Nelly And Her Telly' strip from TV Comic with the spaghetti stuffing and popping in it!



Hey, I like it. Thanks for sharing. Any balloon blowback is welcome :)

And checking other parts of the episode has very fun visuals, even with limited animation


It's a cartoon.



And yes, the animation generally is fun, and very like Roobarb and Custard, which is by the same people.  They deliberately drew every frame twice to make it shaky.