pokemon trainer

Caitlin Blimped

She inflated

Caitlin Blimped
Average: 4 (15 votes)

Kyouhei and Mei's diving dilema

Something I made out of inspiration after seeing someone at Cheezeburger.com making a rage comic about a theory she had: The playable trainers from the new Pokemon games, Black and White 2, could wear wetsuits under their clothes.

Anyway, here are Princess Leia (Mei) and Bushhead (Kyouhei) having some problems with their diving gear.

Kyouhei and Mei's diving dilema
Average: 3 (3 votes)

Balloon'd Pokegirls

Another pic from my deviantArt gallery that I wanted to share. Ethan and Lucas were toying around with a balloon-morphing gun when they accidentally fired at the girls, turning them into Balloonas (AKA: Balloon girls).

Balloon'd Pokegirls
Average: 2.1 (8 votes)

Big Belly Marie

Another, older request I did for a fellow deviant. He wanted his Pokemon OC Marie inflated massively.

Marie (c) Raging-Banebou, Art (c) Joseph Staleknight

Big Belly Marie
Average: 2.8 (8 votes)


Average: 3.4 (8 votes)
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