
Back from the Balloon Store

Inflation Types:

It had been just over a week since Elliot had been taken from the balloon store to his new home and he could hardly believe how quickly he had taken to his new existence.  He felt like he should have found the whole experience a bit more degrading-being a human balloon was hardly empowering.  But he loved the feeling of being an empty, immobile sphere of air, with his rubbery skin stretched nearly as far as it could go.  He loved belonging to Dianna, as playful and gentle an owner as a balloon could ask for.

Average: 3.8 (12 votes)

Balloon Store, The

Inflation Types:

All Elliot could see in front of him was a row of enormous balloons, painted various colors and anchored by hardly visible strings. To most people the only indication as to their true nature were the small nubs on their upper and lower sides, but Elliot had a more obvious hint; the heads perched on the top of each one. The faces were nearly expressionless, puffed out too much for any movement, with the occasional shifting of the eyes being the only sign they were actually alive. Most people would have found it a peculiar sight, but to Elliot it was particularly unnerving.

Average: 3.1 (11 votes)
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