Female Inflation

I've Got a Magic Wand

“Hey, great costume. Gonna pull a rabbit outta that hat, Mandrake?”

“Thanks. Magician’s kinda cliché, bit of a busman’s holiday for me, but I had the cape and hat from work. You look great too. Larry Lawnchair, complete with balloons. Nice. I like the way they bobble as you dance.”

“Work? What? Sorry, I can hardly hear you over the music. Yeah, Larry’s a bit of a hero of mine.”

“Why’s that?”

“I don’t know. Just that kind of follow your dreams thing.”

Average: 2.8 (9 votes)

Haunted House Five: A Duty Dance with Destiny

It was a Halloween night like any other and my girlfriend Elle and I were stumbling back from one hell of a party. I wasn’t feeling so hot, a combination of lots of rum and the fact that nobody got my costume (Apparently, nobody watched Filmation’s Ghostbusters like I did so my effort in making a great Jake Kong costume was in vain). I would’ve been angrier, but Elle was looking great in her “Mad Maxine”(her name for it, not mine) leather getup. I was just about to make a witty remark about my drunken state when all of a sudden she stopped and pointed

Average: 3.4 (5 votes)

Bobbing with Apples

Amelia walked through the rapidly looming autumn twilight towards the annual bonfire held by the Cray’s. A warm autumn breeze blew between the legs of her leotard, the catsuit matching the painted whiskers and eared headband of her costume.

This was so stupid. She never took Halloween seriously before, and the only reason she’d come was because Emily had told her “it’ll be a total blast, Troy’s got something special planned for tonight I know you’ll love!”

Average: 3.5 (4 votes)

Blowing Up Space Girl

Stacey looked good in her skin-tight silver ‘Space Girl’ catsuit, though the toy laser gun holstered to her red plastic belt was really the only clue that she was dressed as ‘something’.

Super-hot Bentley Lawford, the host of the Halloween party, approached her wearing a fabulous Willy Wonka costume. “Are you from outer space?”

“Yeah. But I’ll keep my ray gun on ‘safety’.” Stacey smiled.

Bentley slid his arm around her shoulders. “So, Space Girl, would you like a tour of the ship?”

Average: 3.1 (11 votes)

Unusual Favor, An

When Yrgthlax came through the interdimensional rift a few years ago, it was Amelia with whom he had made first contact, albeit accidentally. (But that’s another story.) Instead of freaking and calling the cops, however, she befriended him, educated him on human culture, and helped him blend into society so he could observe humans. In exchange for Amelia’s generosity, Yrgthlax offered her ten supernatural favors to use at any time. She had already cashed in on several; the rest she was saving for later in her life. But she’d have to burn one sooner than that.

Average: 2.6 (8 votes)

Night at the Carnival, A

It was Halloween night. The air was cold and crisp, and was filled with the smell of decay. Few clouds hung in the sky, and the full moon was allowed to shine bright. Its glow provides many a trick-or-treater enough light to travel from house to house without a flashlight. Our attention shifts from the peaceful suburbs to an abandoned carnival, where a young red-headed woman franticly runs for her life.

Average: 3.7 (7 votes)

Boy's Trick, A

“Mickey, you can’t be serious.” The boy in the welding mask and bloody apron commented to his friend, who was standing in front of him in a full maid costume, with a miniature vacuum cleaner worn on his arm like a purse.

“Hey, a maid can be scary, Jason. She can get into your room without your consent, pushes a cart around that has all sorts of hidden compartments, at least I’m not a welder.”

“I’m not a welder.” Jason retorted.

“Let’s just get started, Jason. Who are we going to hit up first?”

Average: 2.8 (8 votes)


Average: 3.9 (7 votes)


Average: 3.9 (17 votes)

Berry horseplay 09

Berry horseplay 09
Average: 4.1 (25 votes)
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